People Magazine complaint

Hi Looking for some advice. We have a situation where a colleague had complained about this months issue of the pay gap between white and black employees. They don’t like the fact the magazine is on another persons desk and it was shown to this colleague. What should be done regarding speaking to the owner of the magazine? Thanks in advance
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    23 Apr, 2022 10:08

    Hi Stephanie... and welcome to the Community.

    When you say "speaking to the owner of the magazine"... do you mean the colleague the magazine was addressed to? Not the publishers, surely??
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Stephanie

    Very puzzled as to what exactly your colleague is feeling aggrieved about?
  • Welcome to the communities.

    Fundamentally, the magazine is reporting factual information regarding the existence of the pay gap and the ineffectual attempts to close it.

    Do you as an organisation report on the pay gap? If so how are you doing to close any gaps you’ve identified?

    It is hard to see, even if it was done maliciously, what action you could possibly take against HR person having a professional journal on their desk.

    I would focus, personally, on the real issue which is any gender or ethnicity paid gaps you have identified.
  • I too can see absolutely no problem with that. Its a professional magazine reporting on items which are generally a part of HR. Its not as though it is even confidential material. That sort of information can be got from the internet any day of the week.

    What do you think they did wrong?
  • depends on what the issue the collegue has with this, and who the magazine actually belongs to. I imagine if it belongs to the person whos desk it was on, then there is no case to answer. But, if the magazine belonged to a manager and they shared it with the colleague, perhaps the disgruntled colleague feels left out or that the other colleague is getting preferential treatment. Until we know further what the issue is it's hard to advise but from what you describe it sounds like someone is looking to take offence
  • Hi Yes not People Magazine the subscriber
  • Me too! The Manager has spoken to the subscriber and just made them aware of the comments made . What a sad world we live in where someone is offended by a magazine!
  • it's not about white and black employees. it is about emoloyees of all colours.
  • In reply to Stephanie Dacres:

    This is rather disappointing, to be honest. If I were placed in the position of this employee, I would raise a grievance. To be reprimanded, even informally, for having a professional magazine reporting objectively factual and professionally relevant information visible on my desk would be ludicrous!

    The person who should be "spoken to" is the person raising this farcical and facetious complaint.
  • This post just reminded me of a time when I was working in a business where the HR Director had contributed to a People Management magazine article and said something along the lines of being proud that she had implemented education courses within the business because it had helped to increase some employee's qualifications. Somehow the magazine was passed around the business and people made complaints that they thought she had said they all had a low education level, and they were not happy. They didn't take it quite as far as wanting to find out who passed "People Management" around, but they raised issues with the content of what the HR Director had said.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    25 Apr, 2022 15:36

    In reply to Keith:

    The CIPD's gender and ethnicity pay reports are published here if anyone wants to read them and use them as a template of sorts for putting their own together with their own accompanying narrative. www.cipd.co.uk/.../cipd-pay-gap-reports