Performance Management during COVID

Following the DFE Guidance what are schools doing with 2019/20 performance management.  We are considering either using 2018/19 judgements or adjusting targets set for 2019/20.  The latter obviously being considerably more work.  Lesson observations have already taken place but not mid year reviews.   I'm in the process of writing a recommendation for a Trust Board that meets in two weeks so that staff can be told what they are expected to do for their performance management.  Unfortunately I have split opinion from my headteachers on what they want to do so am curious to see what other schools and Trusts are doing.

  • Hello, we will follow a similar process to a maternity returner and look back to the previous years. As you say adjusting targets would require a lot more work and we are currently overloaded with partial school openings, rota's, furlough, staff who are shielding, wellbeing pulse survey's and various other additional tasks relating to the public health crisis. Also, staff are having to get used to the new normal so we don't want to add any additional pressures. I oversee a large secondary school though (1800 students).

  • Hi Sarah, I work at a local authority supporting schools and were advising similar to Jackie in that our policies already have advice for maternity returners or those off sick so this can be used alongside considering whether they were on track to achieving their targets prior to partial closure.
  • Hi Sarah, We are doing the same, using the maternity returner process, and looking back at previous year. But good communication with the line manager is also imperative. For instance, if a staff member had performance issues last year, it would be detrimental to them to use last year's performance if it can be evidenced that this year's performance (from Sept 2019 to March 2020) had improved significantly. So just be aware of any like these.