Cost per hire

Hello everyone, We are a MAT of four secondary schools and I’ve just completed a piece of work looking at cost per hire for each school. This ranges from £393 to £1,896. I would be really interested in any comparable data you would be willing to share. Many thanks Marianne
  • Marianne, you raise an ineresting question. I think you will need to define what costs you have included in your figures in order to get comparable data from other people.....
  • When I worked for one of the big 4 supermarkets it worked out at around £900 per employee from advertising, interviewing and induction. This figure included items of clothing etc.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Ray, thanks for the prompt. We have included advertising costs, agency fees and visa sponsorship fees.
  • In reply to Marianne:

    That will certainly help people to give you useful data.
  • In reply to Ray:

    It's usually said that the 'indirect' costs of getting a new starter to where they should be up the learning curve in terms of lost effectiveness / productivity, although imprecise usually to quantify, typically very much outweigh the 'direct' recruitment costs such as for advertising; agency fees; paying interview panels etc. These indirect costs will of course tend to vary considerably depending on the role and where the new hire came from (the extent to which they can 'hit the ground running' as they all too often say). But all in all, overall figures of £30,000++ get bandied-about.