Change to working hours

Hi All

Would like some advice on how an employee who has worked for over 2 years on their existing agreed hours (under old leadership) has now been informed under the new leadership team there hours will have to change. The hours were previously workable with the old leadership team and were for childcare reasons being able to pick-up their children 3 times a week and drop-off 2 days a week before they started work. The new arrangement would require the employee to not be able to drop-off their children as they are now expected to be in work for 8:45 instead of 09:10. 

The employee has suggested a start time of 7:30am to finish at 3pm to the line manager for the two days in question, however, the employer is not satisfied with the request as there will be only the line manager covering with one other person at the end of the day.

Would appreciate some advice on this matter. Thank you

Kind regards

Aujorie Delpratt

  • It is likely to come down to (a) what the original contract said about hours etc and (b) when these were changed two years ago what was agreed, how formal was it and was there any review.

    It looks like (at first glance) a permanent change to the contract (assuming no reviews etc) so any change needs the same process. A contractual change by agreement. The employee might do well to make this point subtly to his employer before positions get too entrenched.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith for your input.