Recommendations for NJC Job Evaluations and HR System Providers


As a relatively new and growing trust, we are looking to undertake an evaluation of job roles and pay structure to ensure we are treating all staff fairly and consistently across the trust.  Would anyone have any recommendations or suggestions of who we could ask to quote for this project please?

Also, any recommendations for HR systems - or those to avoid please.

Thanks very much,


  • Lots to choose from including Hay, Towers and NJC. However, you can save a lot of time and money by sorting out all the JDs now. Are they up to date, accurate and agreed? Also worth thinking about which jobs will be in or out of scope and why.

    Do you want consultants to do everything or evaluate the jobs with internal people? Consultants will be quicker and independent but your costs will be substantially higher than using your own staff. Obviously, the unions may have strong thoughts on JE.

    Getting these organised before you start will really save you a lot of firefighting later on.
  • Hi Naomi I have done a lot of job evaluation work over the years and would be happy to provide some advice.
  • Hi Naomi
    I've used different HRIS's what type are you looking for? I've been chatting to RecTec who provide comparison on HRIS as a service.
  • In reply to Steven :

    Thank you for the advice, very much appreciated.
  • In reply to Sandra:

    Thank you very much for the offer, Sandra, do you have a website or any information you can send me that I can then share with the CFOO?
  • In reply to Deborah:

    Hi Deborah,
    Thanks for the information. We currently use EPM and like their reporting functions, we are just exploring what other systems are available at the moment.
  • In reply to Naomi:

    Chat to this guy, www.linkedin.com/.../
    I've previously spoken to Robert about Job Evluation and he's super knowledgeable, he'd be able to give you a quote too. Let me know if you want an intro? :)
  • In reply to Steven :

    Just some more random thoughts.

    Will the evaluations be paper based or involve talking to staff/managers?

    Who will evaluate the jobs and moderate them?

    What will your appeals process look like. Do you give them a chance to appeal the evaluation or wait until you have your points to pay?

    If using one of the big names, the robustness of the schemes will not be an issue but if using a small business, you really need to convince yourselves their scheme will not create inequality. "Trust me" is not an equal pay defence.

    There are also some consultants who use other organisations schemes without permission or very slightly tweak the schemes, you really want to avoid a dispute about intellectual property.

    After the project is over, who will evaluate jobs which change over time or newly created roles, what will this process look like?
  • In reply to Steven :

    Thanks Steven,
    Just to clarify, we are not planning to make any changes to existing employees' contracts. We know it will take time to align everyone across the Trust with this approach, but feel it is the right way to do it.
    Thanks very much for the other points, very helpful.
  • croner have JET and Croner reward so could ask HRIS all depends on colleague count and main requirements
  • In reply to Naomi:

    Naomi I can't self promote my website on this forum but am happy to communicate if you send me a message so I can advise on what to look out for. I am on Linkedin too should you wish to connect.