Move to 4 Day Working Week

Hello colleagues!

I'm looking to engage with any of you that have implemented a 4 day working week. At our Company, we're really looking at the practicalities at rolling this out, rather than the reasons for doing so. 

I hope someone can help!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    5 Feb, 2021 12:49

    Hi Lea... and welcome to the Community.

    Could you tell us what industry / sector you work in?
  • Just one colleague doing it in a small team.She does not work Fridays so I have difficulty getting Fridays off.
    Not a big moan but an indicator of the issues that can arise
    It may be less family-friendly
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    The Company is a specialist publisher to the shipping industry. We're a small company (~50 employees)
  • Hi Lea

    I worked with a client who offered a 4 day week as one flexible working option and, as in Peter's case most people took Friday off. If you need continuity over five days you'll need to manage which days people can take off.

    Also, it does depend on whether you are reducing hours as well. Many of the examples out there are of employers moving to 32 hours over 4 days. If you're simply offering compressed hours i.e. five days worked over 4 long days you might find that people are exhausted and not doing their best work at the end of day four.
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your comment - completely understand your frustration and see the problem.

    Most of our colleagues have specific roles with less crossover so I don't see that being a major concern. However, we are looking continue operating the business 5 days a week but staff only working 4 so holidays is an area we are looking at.
  • In reply to Anna:

    Hi Anna,

    Thanks for your comment. In answer to your post:
    - we are looking at a straight 20% reduction of FT hours
    - continuity over five days so would look at a 'core' 3 days (Tue-Thu) with 50% Mon and 50% Fri.

    It would be interesting to hear your experience with this client. Would you be open to having a conversation by phone or video?

    Best regards,
  • In reply to Lea:

    Hi Lea, yes I'm happy to talk. Connect with me via the community and let me have your email address so we can set something up or message me on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/.../
  • Hi Lea,

    I haven't yet supported a client through this change. I did however read a book called Shorter last year, which covered the practicalities and overcoming challenges. Link to the book below

  • In reply to Laura:

    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for the book tip!

  • Hi Lea

    I work for a manufacturing company of 285 employees made up of production and salaried employees and apart from a handful of employees, everyone works a 4 day week. It is only the Senior Leadership team and a couple of other staff who work a 5 day week. This was in place before I started with the company in 2013. The weekly hours are 36, with employees working 9 hours per day, 7.30a.m. to 5.00p.m. although there is flexibility around these hours.

    I do not think anyone would want to go back to working a 5 day week.
  • In reply to Wendy Pauline:

    There is no going back so it needs to be right first time unless you are very clear it is a short -term trial.
  • In reply to Wendy Pauline:

    Hi Wendy, just to be clear: what you're describing is a compressed working week which has been around for a long time. 9 hour days will suit some employees but in some areas where there is a long commute the total working day can be as long as 11 or 12 hours. This can leave employees exhausted so they spend their 'day off' recovering.

    A true '4 day week' also involves a reduction in hours which is likely to necessitate a restructuring of jobs.
  • In reply to Lea:

    Hi! I would be interested to hear about the experience of your company reducing its hours. Would you be interested in having a conversation about this?
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    17 Feb, 2022 15:03

    In reply to Katrin Isles:

    We were discussing this within CIPD this week.

    Belgium approves 4-day week and right to disconnect

    "In practice this means maintaining a 38-hour working week, with an additional day off compensating for longer work days."... so actually a compressed hours scenario.