Extending annual leave to remote work abroad short-term


We have an employee who wishes to take two weeks' leave in Europe this summer and then continue travelling between Spain/Andorra for a further two weeks whilst working remotely.

We want to be supportive but want to also make sure that appropriate boundaries are in place (ie maximum timescales, contact, recognition of time zone differences, data security, insurance, etc) and that we are still able to maintain our duty of care to the employee.  

Does anyone have a policy that they would be willing to share which would cover this?

Many thanks


  • I don't have a policy but I would be wanting to ask how much and what type of work can be done in 2 weeks whilst travelling at the same time? If they are working for you then you will certainly need to cover insurance costs for them as well as all the issues you have considered. We do in certain circumstances allow staff to take a couple of weeks holiday and then work away for a couple of weeks (provided that it doesn't incur any tax/insurance/social security concerns or costs) but that's with the employee staying put for a period of time. Not sure how travelling and working go together?
  • In reply to Helen:

    Many thanks, Helen, I appreciate you taking time to respond. I think we're going to refer to it in our Flexible Working policy but keep it fairly broad. We're intending to do a risk assessment for each request to cover the areas above and yes, will need to ask individual how they intend to do their work, particularly if moving between locations.
  • In reply to Helen:

    Did you get anywhere on this search Helen? I'd be interested in any findings
  • In reply to Gill:

    Hi Gill, haven't done any more searching on this, as we tend to deal with requests on a case by case basis depending on which country the employee wishes to work in, their own nationality and any tax/insurance/visa implications, for which we take external advice. My main concern in the original post was how someone thought they could work normally if they were also travelling all through that time. Our requests tend to be from employees wanting to visit family abroad for a couple of weeks holiday and then work at that location for a further couple of weeks.