Return to the office

Interesting and some what counter intuitive announcement from the government about civil servants having to return to the office in central london to make maximum use of the office estate - rather than any efficiency argument or engagement considerations. 

Unlikely I think to be followed by many in the private sector. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg calls for civil servants to return to the office www.bbc.co.uk/.../uk-politics-61145692

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    21 Apr, 2022 12:56

    In reply to Keith:

    Here here,
  • Leaving printed cards on desks, smacks of a waste of resources, and time, and especially when there is no one at the desk to read it, as they are working from home. Is it just me that thinks it’s a bit odd? Looking on the bright side, the message could have been parchment and handwritten. What century are we in?