Top tips for conducting an interview on zoom


we recently had some negative feedback from a candidate about how someone interviewing them conducted themselves during the zoom call (e.g. typing a message/email). There is a lot of information out there with tips if you are being interviewed on zoom, but can't seem to find anything for those actually conducting the interview.

Does anyone have anything or can point me in the right direction? We want to  share some top tips with everyone in the team who conducts zoom interviews. 



  • Ummm, have common courtesy? Not sure you need any more than that, just expect that people should conduct themselves in a professional manner, or not be surprised if people aren't interested in joining.
  • Isnt this just the same as what you would expect from an interviewer if they were face to face? I.e. paying attention, maintaining eye contact, not looking at their phone or laptop etc. I dont see zoom interviews should be any different from face to face in the way that both the interviewer and interviewee should conduct themselves.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    11 Aug, 2022 13:33

    I've conducted several rounds of interviews via MS Teams and tips would be:

    Have two interviewers on the call if possible so if anything goes wrong the other person can keep the interview running smoothly (also good for the interviewee to meet someone else in the team)

    Check you have sufficient time booked for the call so you can spend a polite amount of time with all the pleasantries at beginning and end so it feels friendly and not rushed.

    Check the candidate's needs before the call; do they have any special requirements.

    If you are going to be making notes during the interview explain that at the beginning. Also the format of the interview and when the candidate will be able to ask questions.

    Finish in a polite and friendly manner, ideally on time. Explain next steps.

    Hope this helps? I've really had no problems with it and the interviews went well. We actually did a hybrid for the last set with one person in the office and two online. Also worked fine.
  • We have some tips for virtual interviews but it's more about the technical side i.e. checking internet connections, making sure the individual is put into the virtual lobby so they can't join the call before the panel are ready for them and making sure that the panel explain the backup process for if there are any technical issues etc.

    In terms of how panel members should conduct themselves, i would agree with the previous comments that this is common courtesy and shouldn't change just because the interview is virtual. I don't think i'd necessarily be looking to create a new guide just because of one unprofessional person but i would be expecting their line manager to be discussing the complaint with them and re-iterating expectations.
  • Behave as if the person was in front of you. Could it have been the interviewer was typing up a response. I know that some of our managers chose not to print out the interview questions and typed responses as the candidate spoke. We did of course let them know at the start this would be happening. One of our sites is paper free so this happens even in face to face but again candidate is fully aware. Could something similar have happened and candidate not informed?
  • Thanks everyone for the replies. It's tricky as the situation related to one of the directors- which the other director is discussing with them. But it was just felt circulating something in general would be a good idea to bring it to everyone's minds- as for example one team member often looks like they aren't looking at you because the camera is on the laptop and they have the picture placed on their big screen. You're right that these are obvious things and it's all about being courteous, the same as in face to face. I can pull something together but just thought there might be a little crib sheet in existence somewhere already :)
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Aug, 2022 15:08

    In reply to Kate:

    Excellent advice above, with which I concur - having also been part of Teams interview panels and a hybrid interview. All about good prep and (at the start of the interview) putting the candidate at ease and setting expectations - especially the point about panel members apparently looking down or away, but actually jotting down notes.
  • In reply to Kate:

    Hi Kate, it sounds like you have your answers and good luck with addressing the issue directly and providing some top tips. Although there are lots of similarities between interviewing online and in person, ...I think, like with anything, folks can get out of good habits. A reminder that when we interview we are brand ambassadors for the business and it might be the one and only time someone meets us, often sharpens the focus and provides a context and reason for sharing top tips with all interviewers. Personally, I'm not a big fan of sending out top tips or a big announcement, not that you were planning the latter, on the back of an incident....talking to the invidual concerned about their behaviour and then sharing simple tips to anyone interviewing on your behalf can work to set people up for success. Good luck.