Remote working contracts and claiming travel costs/mileage to the office

Remote workers and claiming mileage to the office

We have adopted a formal flexible hybrid working approach with the place of work being the office address and have agreed on remote working contracts for some employees with the place of work being their home address. 

As we move forward, we are considering the distance from the office as one of the defining criteria for remote working contracts. In addition, the company is considering paying travel costs/ mileage to attend the office for infrequent business meetings for remote workers. 

Interested to know if other companies:

  1. Apply distance from the office as criteria for remote contracts  
  2. Pay travel costs /mileage for remote workers to attend the office and set a distance radius that will trigger travel payments, for example. The remote worker's place of work (usually home address) is 50, 60, or 100 miles from the office before a payment is approved.

