Online right to work checks

Hi all,

I am looking for a recomendation for any valid organisation who does online right to work check on a regular basis .

Any leads to this will be very useful d.

Thank you 

Kind regards


  • We are about to start using Yoti, someone on this forum recommended them.
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Thank you so much Gemma
  • I've just used vetting.com for my new role and was very impressed.
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    I've heard good things about TrustID though we haven't signed up to any yet - trying to arrange "beauty parades" early next year as we will need to go through our internal procurement processes.
  • Hi Vani,
    We use Trust ID. The applicant uploads their selfie and British/Irish passport copy (or share code if they have EU Settlement Status or a Biometric Residence Permit) and we then receive the report a short while after that. As well as validating their right to work, it also does a face match and liveness check. The system checks their selfie against the photo of them in their passport or against their photo on their Home Office records. They must do their uploads by taking a fresh photo of their passport and a fresh selfie, ie. not one already stored on their phone. We occasionally have applicants who have difficulty with carrying out the request from Trust ID, but it usually goes smoothly.
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Thank you Gemma.
    Details given much appreciated
    Kind regards