Implementing a travel allowance to support hybrid working

Hi all,

we have been using our office place as a place to work however working in main as a hybrid. Due to our employees living across the country we are trying to implement Travel allowance or any support for the times when they visit the office (eg. team meeting in the office once a month, etc). Can I have any support on what steps to take to ensure we can proceed?



  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 Jan, 2023 07:54

    Hi Vendula... I've edited the title of your post and moved it to a more apropriate forum. Hope that's OK.

    Welcome to our Community.
  • Hi Vendula, good to see your post and I hope you get 'food for thought' from the replies. I'd start with a few questions, considerations & thoughts.

    I'd imagine you might need to start with the contractual part so do the contracts state their home is their place of work or is it the office?

    If it's home then considerations on when they come in, for what purpose and how often/ frequency is best explored with the people and teams and managers concerned first so you can gather intelligence, understand their challenges and you can see if you need to provide assistance, guidance and help.I imagine some might need extra travel time to get into the office if they are travelling a long way for example and it's good to get an understanding of that.

    If meetings / open forums aren't possible to do then surveys, chats using tech etc could gather the same info.

    Then I think it's about having a clear travel policy and expenses procedure with perhaps some guidance on how/where to book travel and what additional costs you will cover so you can help people make good, cost effective decisions that won't bust the budget. Good luck.
  • Hi bear in mind that even if they split their time working in different locations on a hybrid basis they will have one contractual location. HMRC has strict rules prohibiting the claiming of travel expenses between home and the work location so you will need to factor this in. If their contractual work location is the office but, under hybrid working, you give them the concession of being able to work remotely, then they can't be paid expenses to come to the office without breaching HMRC rules.

    We make this clear in documentation when employees submit flexible working requests to move away and work remotely at distances beyond practical commuting and in our hybrid working policy.