Remote company & (involuntary) leaver announcements

Hi there,

We are a remote company of around 130 employees, across UK, US and Europe.

A typical voluntary resignation is announced via the usual processes of an announcement via Slack or at a company meeting and a virtual card will go around - so it's all pretty visible and well known.

However, with involuntary leavers, it seems to slip under the radar. It is known by the immediate team of course but others likely find out through the grapevine over a longer period of time.

Being a remote-first company, transparency is at the heart of the company culture and with this in mind, I wonder what best practice is around announcing involuntary leavers. Certainly not wanting to breach any confidentiality, and I'm sure people will draw their own conclusions from the swift announcement and exit, but do you simply announce that "[name] has left the company on [date] and we wish them all the best..." and any relevant handover info?

What do you do? 

Thanks in advance,

  • Hello - we certainly do what you have suggested, either a simple email to state that the person has parted ways with the company on x date OR we have a monthly newsletter that goes out with leavers and joiners on it. We try not to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary but if it's someone who has been with us for a long time and it requires more explanation (some of the voluntary ones are big career changes, travel plans etc and then some of the involuntary ones may be disciplinary matters that may require a lesson to be learned by all if it's something serious/illegal), then we do try to explain it.