Flexible working and childcare

Good morning all! Wasn’t sure quite how to title this question. Just wanted to get an idea of what other organisations may be experiencing. Since the pandemic and a move to hybrid work (and the flexibility it brings) do you have any specific guidelines around working from home for childcare reasons? For example, we want to provide flexibility where we can but finding some employees stating more frequently that they need to work from home (on an office day) because they need to look after a child/children. This is more ad hoc so not quite necessary to be asking for a flex working request. Anyone else experiencing this, have you had to change guidelines/ introduce new guidelines?

  • Hey, we have what we called a 'modern workplace policy' and where we laid out that when working from home you should have childcare in place. It there are any issues to speak to you manager and discuss alternatives, such as change of hours for that day, unpaid leave and so on.
    So when my son for example was unwell and had to stay home I arranged with my manager how I would work. I did not work with him in the room as you can not work well or look after the child well. He is only 16 months old.
    Might be slightly different with older children but that is do discuss on an individual basis.
    As said we did not see an increase in this that effected any attendance in the office negatively or that we felt we had to do some thing about it.

    For me it would be more around can they work while looking after a child? That they might miss an office day would not be the big problem.
  • Hi Susan,

    I think this was raised on this forum in the past. Ultimately, whether someone can work whilst at the same time caring for a child will depend on many factors, like the child's age or their need for attention from parents. Some children will happily entertain themselves for extended periods and only emerge at snack time, others not so much.

    The type of work that is being done will also play a part, such as attending meetings at specific times or working to specific deadlines.
  • Thanks so much for your response!
  • @Juraj I thought it would have been raised before but sometimes it difficult finding the old threads. Thanks for your response
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    24 Mar, 2023 08:09

    In reply to Susan:

    Hi Susan,

    This is the most recent thread...

     Remote working with toddler present