Flexible working request to increase hours

Hello - can I please seek views on whether the relevant flexible working request legislation (right to request flexible working) would apply to requests to increase hours or whether it simply covers the right to request flexible working in regards to contracted hours? Many thanks in advance. Lizzie 

  • The employee has a right to request a change in working hours. This includes requests to increase hours per week or per day
  • In reply to David:

    Thanks David. I agree that they have the right to request an increase, however I was wondering whether the legal flexible working request process (requirement to meet within 28 days etc) applied to requests to increase hours? My view was that this legal process only applies to requests to vary/ request more flexibility within existing contractual hours.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Tschornow:

    I would agree. The ACAS guide doesn't mention a request to increase hours so I don't think the flexible working process would apply.
  • Hi Elizabeth,

    The term 'flexible working' describes any working arrangements where the number of hours worked or the time or place that work is undertaken varies from standard practice. It is therefore not limited to a reduction in hours.

    In my organisation we have honoured requests to increase hours on a flexible working request.

    I hope this helps.