• Schrodinger’s HR Function - How can HR both exist and not exist at the same time?

    By David D'Souza, Membership Director at the CIPDApproximately once a year, media attention will alight on an organisation that has no HR function because ‘they don’t believe in that type of thing’ or the CEO has had a bad ...
  • Predictions for 2021

    By David D'Souza, Membership DirectorIt’s true to say that 2020 was full of learning and the opportunity to reinvent for many, but it’s equally true to say that it was full of pain, loss and uncertainty. ...
  • When you say ‘flexible working’…

    There has been an interesting, understandable and yet worrying trend in discussions people are having around working practices in the past few weeks. The media has been using the words ‘remote’ and ‘flexible’ widely – an...
  • For our independent practitioners

    By David D'Souza, Membership Director at the CIPD. About 1 in 10 of our members at the CIPD are independent practitioners. That means we have around 15,000 members who are working outside of organisations doing a range of things – from...
  • Coronavirus: An HR challenge like no other

    By David D'Souza, Membership Director at the CIPD. The past few weeks have seen unprecedented levels of change in our way of life, with the impact on people and organisations being impossible to avoid. The impact has been overwhelming f...
  • A post about membership cards

    This year we made a change in our membership cards that was welcomed by many for its environmental impact, but had a number of quality issues that we need to apologise for and swiftly did . As we received feedback to the change we were asked a n...
  • A Membership update

    Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the results of our Membership Survey and doing a deep dive into the key areas. Ahead of that series of posts, I wanted to share with you some of our recent highlights, especially around the areas of commu...
  • Five things to watch out for in 2019

    As an end to a relatively tumultuous 2018 draws into clear view - and Santa ponders whether next year he should be micro-chipping his workforce - it makes sense to reflect on what 2019 might have in store for us. It’s likely to be another year ...
  • We’re listening and acting to enhance your membership experience…

    We recently undertook our largest ever member survey and I wanted to let you know a little about what it told us, and to be really open about how we’re going to respond. Before I do that I wanted to thank the thousands of you who completed it a...
  • What is the right approach to leadership, team building and performance?

    Earlier in my career I worked in a ‘meritocracy’. That was the aspired organisational aim — that the cream would rise to the top and poor performance and ability would not be tolerated. We would then have a competitive advantage thr...
  • My new job – explained

    My name is David D'Souza and I've been the CIPD's Membership Director for two weeks now. I wanted to share both why I am excited about the role and some of our plans as an organisation.  I've been working in HR for over 15 y...
  • HR and tech - the divide that can’t be

    Technology and HR continue to be uneasy bedfellows. It’s the world’s longest ‘will they, won’t they?’. A largely unfulfilled romance. A match made in heaven that everybody can see the opportunity for but that never quite...
  • How can HR be better?

    If you are starting your career in HR and you can juggle the list below then the profession will get better over time – due to you… • Get really honest feedback from the business you work in, so you can see what needs to be done. No...