Putting people to work on principle: the key to all our futures

We’ve all had much more on our minds than politics recently. The election as we all know, turned out to be significant in Scotland and unprecedented in the UK. As usual at CIPD Scotland we look for what we can do to move forward and adjust. We look to tap into resilience and responsiveness.

Issues and trends in the world of work will shape Scotland's future as much as the political landscape. The CIPD continues to lead debates and discussions around the ageing workforce, mental health, automation, apprenticeships and migration, as well as employee relations, performance management and a range of other people management challenges. We’ve also promoted with our networks (such as KIP) the value of diversity.

How we adapt and respond as a society is reflected into the world of work. From how we deal with automation, to focusing on human qualities and skills, to how we deal with an impending social care opportunity (yes it's an opportunity, as I explained at a recent Ageing Workforce Conference for us to tap into the wasted talents of older workers). There’s also an opportunity to invest in the skills and potential of young people, to use technology and automation freely. In Scotland we will face a shortage of workers, as leading economist Professor David Bell illustrated. It's also an opportunity to stop a tiresome battle of the generations developing by ensuring we can help more of a longer-living workforce to ensure their own future by remaining in work. There they can help pass on skills and knowledge to the younger workers, who will in turn help them with technology and other learning. This is the way forward for us.

As we age, we can develop chronic illnesses and conditions. CIPD Scotland attended a timely conference run by Beatson Cancer Research and hosted by Scottish Enterprise. Beatson are one of Scotland's leading cancer charities attached to a major medical institute. Many workers will develop cancer and other chronic physical and mental illnesses through their working lives as well as the caring responsibilities that can impact us all. Sometimes not always getting back into the swing of work is part of the cure. Unfortunately as we learned some of our processes such as capability assessments, home visits and back to work interviews, can get in the way. In some cases they can make people feel got at and victimised. Unwitting attitudes from fellow employees can make sufferers feel bad even next to useless. The answer is for us to take a principled not process based approach. Start a conversation with your team now.

