HELP with 5CO01

Hi all! I’m struggling with how to style my answers - there’s only 2500 words allowed but in the worksheet CIPD advise to mention a long list of things! How has anyone managed this ? Any ideas will help! Or you can email me sf_rahman@hotmail.co.uk
  • Hi Shahara

    You should be discussing this with your course tutor as every centre has a slightly different way of doing things. Maybe set up a WhatsApp or Facebook group with the rest of class and discuss things there but here's a few general tips.

    2500 words isn't much but you're allowed +/-10% so you actually have 2750. You are also allowed to have some appendices so if you wanted to include a PESTLE analysis it could go in an appendix and save words, but don't go over the top it still has to be a professional report. You can also use tables and graphics in the main body of the document and you can save a few words there.

    As far as structure goes a report should have an introduction, a main body or discussion and conclusion followed by appendices and references. Keep refering back to the assessment guide to make sure you cover everything. If you have been asked to do an executive summary do it last and normally (but check with your tutor!) it's not included in the word count and for a report this size no more than 250 words.

    Finally don't get too stressed about getting it exactly right on your first submission. You will get valuable feedback from your tutor and you will be able to refine your technique as the course progresses. So don't get it right, get it wrote!

    Good luck with your studies