Best Level 7 Provider?

Hello, I have been researching providers who offer Level 7 and wondered if anyone could recommend any? I know that people get different things from different providers but I’m looking for some consistent feedback if anyone can offer their own experiences? Thank you in advance
  • Hi Jennifer, I would definitely recommend the open university it has been a great course and the feedback has been consistent (and fair). The feedback I have received has give me the opportunity to succeed I truly believe that. I have been to another provider and also have experience of another course at a different university through a student I met and in all honestly there is very little comparison. The open uni has given me all the tools and knowledge to make a really good start in a management position. Also, I feel it provides the best literature with the course aswell (I know I sound like a sales agent but it has been great). The tutors are really cool and help you when you need it. If everyone in HR had the knowledge from just the standard course material provided by the open uni it would be a great help. Anyway hope this helps and excuse the poor grammar it's late and I'm typing on my phone lol. Daniel
  • Thank you Daniel!
  • I have just signed up to do the Employment Law Diploma (Level 7 module) with ICS. This far, they have been very easy to deal with and seem well-organised but I can't give you any feedback on anything else as yet.
  • I’m coming towards the end of my L7 Dip in HRD with MOL.
    My Tutors have been very supportive, have given me some firm but fair feedback which has been invaluable. I found the VLE to be pretty comprehensive too.
    It’s what you make of it, if you attend all weekly live sessions and interact with the group/forums you will get so much more out of your course.
    There is a very international cohort with MOL (it’s possibly same with other online providers?), my classmates were from around the world, it was very insightful listening to their experiences of HR.

    Best of luck in choosing a provider.