Top tips to advance HR Career

What top tips would you give to undergraduate students studying HR on how to get a job and advance their career in HR? Thanks
  • I would advise them to use the search function on this page to look for the many similar queries and many many pages of advice that have been given :-)
  • Hi Ekundayo 

    Welcome to the communities.

    I think there is a lot of good advice on these boards and lots of great posts. In summary I would give the following advice to specifically undergraduates

    • Don't limit your studies to HR - try and expand your horizons to finance and other areas.

    • Network as much as you can with your local branch and the wider HR community

    • Try and gain work experience while studying in HR but also in other fields

    • Grasp opportunities even if you are not sure you have 100% of skills for them

    • Look for roles and projects that excite you be they in HR or outside HR
    • Don't assume a HR degree is a golden ticket - you will have to work very hard to get your first job in HR
    • Exploit ruthlessly any contacts you, your parents or your friends parents have to get into your first roles
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    1 Nov, 2019 09:27

    In reply to Keith:

    Brilliant advice, Keith
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    4 Nov, 2019 15:47

    In reply to Annabel:

    Very droll, Annabel!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I wasn't meaning to be sarcastic, it was genuinely meant that there are numerous similar queries and a great deal of good advice on here!