Level 5 course providers

Hi everyone, I’m looking to start my level 5, but don’t know which company to go for, there are three main options it would seem. Avado, ICS and DPG. Does anyone have any recommendations, feedback as to which provider to use.? I’d ideally like flexibility (not too many deadlines all the time) and to do the diploma. Thanks, Poppy
  • Hi Poppy
    I did my Level 5 Diploma with DPG. The online virtual college was great and the support from other students was fantastic.

    The only gripe I had was that it could take up to 3 weeks (sometimes longer) for assessors to mark assignments and another 3 weeks if you referred and had to resubmit (no matter how small or large the additional info you had to give to pass).

    DPG do have the flexibility of working at your own pace and you have 2 years to complete all 8 units from when you enrol. They often have offers and currently I believe they have 40% off and will price match.

  • Hi Poppy,
    I'm currently studying my Level 5 Diploma through AVADO. I also studied my Level 3 Diploma with them and would defintiely recommend.
    They do regular live tutor sessions which are so helpful and gives you a chance to ask questions and also read and hear other questions that people are asking, which i find really helpful to get ideas for writing up the assessments.
    AVADO do week by week learning and clearly define which week links to which assessment criteria which i find invaluable.
    Also, the support that I get from my tutor is second to none. I will email her at any time and even if i get an OOO from her, she replies within an hour with clear advice and answers to my questions (I'm not afraid to ask questions!). Also, I've had loads of phone conversations with her, as sometimes an email just doesn't sink in for me!
    Anyway, would 100% recommened AVADO.
    Good Luck!