Upgrading from Associate to MCIPD - buddy / coach

Hi all,

New to posting on the community forum, so hope this is the right place to be doing this.

I am about to embark on upgrading my membership from Assoc CIPD to MCIPD via the form based assessment route. It's been a while since I've done anything like this so would really appreciate any advice or guidance anyone can offer first hand about going through the process.

It would be great to pair up with someone who is also about to do this...if there are any takers out there!

Feel free to ask any questions...



  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Mar, 2019 10:23

    Hi Sharif Mohsen and welcome to the Community.

    I've 'moved' your post to a different group, where I think it will be seen by more people :)