What could I do in my current HR generalist role to progress to a HRBP role?

Hi all! I'm currently in a HR generalist role looking into progressing into a HRBP role. What would be the best projects to start implementing at my current position to build up the skills? Any trainings that could be useful? I was considering doing a HR analytics course and volunteering to learn more about different businesses. Appreciate all the advice I can get! Thank you in advance. 

  • Hi Kalina,

    Welcome to the communities.

    I unfortunately don't have the answer but I will be watching this thread with interest as I am in a similar position with a mind on the future.
  • Hi

    Some thoughts and suggestions...

    • Start looking at the skills that a HRBP requires and see what areas you may need to develop in, so where any gaps might be.  
    • Also, just be aware that sometimes a job title is not entirely indicative or reflective of the level of responsibility or the duties that you get involved in - I have known HR Generalists who actually do encompass a HRBP remit but also, those with HRBP titles that actually have a more Generalist remit so you might be surprised that there are less gaps than you think.  
    • Have look at the CIPD Profession Map too.

    In the meantime are there opportunities for you to shadow HRBP colleagues with your current employer to get experience via that route?  

    Re additional courses - if that helps you to feel more confident and competent in role, then I am all for that but, particularly in my last few years, I have worked with a number of people both those who have for example taken HR qualifications and those that have developed via experience and on both sides the consensus and perception of the benefit of those qualifications has waned.  That doesnt mean some employers still don't seek or value them though, its just that it is not always make the difference that people expect it to.  


  • In reply to Cass Clothier:

    Thanks, Cass. I'm a standalone HR so there's definitely space for me to work on different projects and develop into that role. I might start using analytics more to contribute to decision making or project development. So I get your point around the tasks and positions/titles.