new job after dismissal

I have recently been dismissed but have an interview for a new job very soon. I think I need to be upfront with the recruiter about this - thoughts appreciated please. also would a 'basic reference' give the reason I left my last job


  • Many (thought not all ) references will state if an employee was dismissed

    So it probably makes sense at some stage of the process to get your story in first. I am not sure I would do this at the very first meeting but would probably wait until I had built some engagement with the organisation / recruiter.

    But it does partially depend on why I was dismissed....
  • Hi Julie

    I would contact your old employer and ask them what they include in a reference. You might discover you are worrying for nothing.
  • In reply to Keith:

    thanks keith. i have a 'script' prepared for this - i'm sure sure that won't be a suprise to you. your comments have confirmed the need for this.
  • In reply to Julie :

    Hi Elizabeth, on the basis of your suggestion I am seeking guidance but also preparing my 'why did you leave your last job' response. Many thanks for your support