Setting Up an HR Function

Hi Everyone,

I started my Level 3 Qualification in October and it seems to be going well so far.

However, the reason I started to study in the first place is because my company doesn't have a dedicated HR function, and no-one with the relevant knowledge.

There are several people in various roles who do 'bits of HR', but there is no co-ordinating function.

My question is this, how do I set up a dedicated HR function? The company employs around 150 staff in 3 locations.



  • Hi Lisa,

    I've recently joined a company of similar size with 3 global offices who have never had any sort of HR presence. I've started by finding out the 3 top business priorities and creating a HR strategy from there. Just those three objectives have me busy for the next 6 months as I want to do it right. Ours are getting policies and procedures in place to support the business (performance management/absence management/recruitment)

    Alongside those I've been getting the basic but legal stuff in order, such as contracts/right to work and GDPR. Even the basics such as the filing cabinet are a complete mess! I'm also implementing a HR system because we work from spreadsheets and everyone's spreadsheet is completely different. I need a centralised system where my HR data is spot on and the information is correct.

    I've sat down with senior management and asked them what they want from me and what their issues are. I'm supporting management through these key issues to gain some credibility and add value.

    I'm learning as I go, this community has been invaluable and I'd recommend an employment law book (this has really helped me) but that's my personal recommendation.

    Feel free to connect and we can muddle through together!
  • In reply to Rachael:

    Hi Rachael

    I have just come across this thread and your response and I am in a similar situation to you just now. Your response above is very helpful! Would you be willing to connect to see how you have got on this past year?
  • In reply to Ashley Mackenzie:

    Hi Ashley, of course - please feel free to connect :)