Company support with CIPD studies

Hi everyone. Wondering if someone has been in a similar situation and any feedback would be much appreciated. I started CIPD L7 in June and asked my employer to help me with the course fees. I have been told due to current situation no funds are available for this year. However,  one colleague in another department is starting a course next month and getting full support from the company. As all decisions are made at the top, i did speak to my manager and asked how come some people get full support while others gets nothing? I am still waiting for an answer. But I know the answer and my colleague will get the support as it has been approved. If anyone has been in similar situation, how did you approach the topic? Wht did you do and what was the autcome? Many thanks. Mirela
  • Hi Mirela, did your manager give you any reason for them not to pay your fees? You don’t say what your role is but could it be that your employer doesn’t feel a Level 7 is relevant to your current role with them, but would have been willing to pay for a Level 3 or 5? Or perhaps your colleague in a different department needs the qualification for their role/it is more relevant?

    The wording of your post suggests that you asked your employer to pay after signing up for Level 7. It that was the case I would suggest that if you want an employer to pay course fees in future that you meet with them to discuss before signing up to anything and prepare a strong business case as to how the qualification is relevant to your role and how the cost is an investment for them. I think that would put you on better footing. Some organisations also have a formal professional development scheme you can apply through for funding and in that case again you would normally have to apply before signing up.
  • Hi Katie. thank you for your reply. I am working as a HR generalist and enrolled on L7 as i have a degree in HRM. I did speak to my manager before enrolling, prepare a good case and after further discussion with the MD i have been told that due to current situation no one will get any help this year and everything will be evaluated in January (regardless department or level of study). Although i have been refused to get funded, and after discussing with my manager, I did enroll in L7 and paying from my own pocket. It is true my colleague works in different department, but he is starting his course as he wants to develop (same as i did at the beginning of the course). As mentioned above, everyone has been told no help/funds this year, yet for some people this has been agreed. i believe that confused me and i do not understand what criteria they use to make decisions. Mirela
  • In reply to Mirela Maria Waller:

    There are two main possibilities.(bluntly)

    One - in some way they value / recognise / need this other person or the skills developed more than they need your skills (is it finance by any chance?) and/or with a degree they feel paying for an additional L7 is a luxury at the moment (I may tend to agree)

    Two - he's a man you are a woman. And the reason is based on gender.

    I am assuming its the first one and apart from their disingenuous communication that's their choice. Many organisations might make the same call

    January isnt far away I would knuckle down, work hard and ask nicely again in January
  • Thank you Keith. i believe that's right, i am a woman and he is a man- not in finance. Anyway, i will take your advice and wait until January. Thank you.
  • Hi Mirela, I do empathise with your situation, it also happened to me, a colleague in another department got fully paid study support and an HR colleague received the same even though our line manager was aware of the lack of financial support shown to me. It's frustrating though, isn't it??!! You've got some good advice here, just one other thought - and this depends on your own financial situation - when you try again in January is it worth offering to split the costs between yourself and your employer? They might be willing to stump up a portion rather than the full amount so if they say no to the total amount perhaps offer to part fund yourself. Your call .... :-)
  • Hi Clare Marie. Thank you for your response. it is very frustrating but i guess we just have to move on. I will wait until January and tke it from there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
  • Just another couple of points to mention - had the colleague's course already been approved to the point where a commitment had been made, when the company policy changed? And/or is there a finite pot that was reduced because the colleague's course had been approved? And if you were in the situation where you were deciding between both courses (assuming it wasn't your study), would you objectively decide that the colleague's course would have more impact on the business than yours?

    Also really agree with the point about asking for a contribution (or even study leave) if they can't fully sponsor you at this point. It might be worth exploring apprenticeship levy courses too.

    It is frustrating for you, but also understandable that businesses have to cut all non-essential expenditure right now.

    Good luck.

  • Hi Nina. thank you for your message. the frustration was/is that i have been speaking to my manager in June and the answer was no. my colleague requested the help this week and starting his course in November. i belive both course are equally important although we are in different departments. i believe i will just leave it and see what happens. thank you very much. Mirela
  • Firstly Mirela, good luck with the course and I hope it gives you all that you need and want from it.

    I think I'd be frustrated if I was in your shoes. I hope they have just handled the communication on this clumsily and there is no disproportionate or unjust application of a policy here. Sometimes companies feel they are making good decisions and fail to see how it looks and feels when decisions are made that seemingly are not consistent and don't explain beyond the decision point. I can't help but feel it would be a good thing for your manager to add some further explanation. Perhaps they can't or don't know how to explain it or fear explaining it.

    I hope this instance has not impacted your psychological contract with your team and the business in a unduly negative way and that, if all other things are good, there is a way for both parties to move forward in a mutually beneficial way.

    Good luck.

    On a personal note, I never regretted paying for my professional qualification. I did get time off for exams so had some practical support. Paying for it gave me more control over a number of aspects so, although it was a big investment, I felt it was worth it.
  • Thank you Sharon. appreciate your response. unfortunately no explanation has been given to me but as you mentioned "perhaps they can't or don't know how to explain it ". i have to admit it did upset me but i just get over it and focus on my studies as well as keep working as hard as before. i always believed that things happens for a reason even though we don't know the reason. i have to admit i do not regret starting this course or paying for it and i will just enjoy this journey. Thank you again. Mirela
  • In reply to Mirela Maria Waller:

    Pleased to hear your philosophy and approach. Maybe over the coming weeks and months they will feel able to speak about and articulate the reasons and that will be easier to discuss and hear when emotions are on a more even keel on both sides and if you still need an explanation. I made some excellent new friends from my studies and learned a lot. All the very best for your studies and enjoy learning.
  • Hi Mirela,
    Would your course be fundable under the apprenticeship levy?
  • Hi Emma. unfortunately no. i guess i need to get over it and just keep paying and keep studying as hard as i can.