I've made a huge mistake changing jobs!

Hi all

I realised quite early on that I've made a huge mistake moving to my current company!  I fancied taking a leap from my previous role, I'd been there for 4 years and felt I needed to get some experience in another industry.

Whilst I don't regret leaving my old company, I do feel that I've taken my career into another direction entirely, in fact, I would say I've taken a big step back.

Now - what to do?  Do I just persevere?  Or do I leave now before the end of my probation, when my notice period jumps up to 3 months!

I wondered whether any of you have experienced this and what you did?


  • Hi Hazel,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. I'm not sure how long you have given the new role, but what I would do in your situation (I think - having not been there!) is perhaps to talk to my new manager and explain my concerns before making the decision to leave.

    Best of luck,
  • When I was in that situation years ago I left after two weeks. It wasn't right for me and I knew it never would have been. No regrets I just moved forward
  • Would second Keith's response. If you are not happy with it and it is the wrong direction of travel, best to cut your losses before you lose your skills and/or your confidence in relation to the work you do want to do.
  • I started a role in January 2019 and had left by March 2019.

    At my interview I knew things were not 100% and I got a horrible feeling off the MD and Ops Director, but I went with it when made an offer (silly me).

    Won’t get into my experience there (which left me questioning myself and my abilities), but I left without having another job secured. Felt amazing leaving. Next job after that was an amazing experience.

  • Afternoon Hazel, I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way about your current role. I couldnt agree more with Keith's advice and I've recently done the same thing with my current employer. I've handed in my notice after 3 months!
  • In reply to Craig:

    Thank you all so much for responding! I feel as if a huge weight has lifted.

    Sue, I've spoken to my manager, the CEO, about my concerns, but the situation is what it is. I've been here for 4 months now, I knew very early on that I'd made a mistake.

    Amo, just like you, I picked up some niggles during the interview, but I was swayed by the location of the company, I thought I could overcome those niggles and told myself that it was me!

    It's such a shame as the perks are fantastic! But I will lose my confidence if I stay. It's so good to hear that you've been through it too and decided to leave.
    I guess I was also worried about my CV, but you've all managed to secure jobs with other companies after you made the decision to leave. At least I'm still able too pull on my experience at my previous role for examples of competency, if I leave it any longer, it will become irrelevant!

    Huge, huge thank you!!
  • In reply to Hazel:

    I got what I thought was genuinely my dream job last September. Day 2, i realised how bad the company was and hoped it would get better. Day 4, I asked my so called line manager a question to which he replied I an extremely rude voice in the middle of an open office (and I quote verbatim) "I just told you that. I shouldn't have to repeat myself 4 times". It continued downhill when I would advise on employment laws and legislation and I was told i was wrong (i wasn't but they were not from the UK so hadn't a clue). I was stressed out and not sleeping well at all which is not like me. Like you, I was also fast losing confidence.

    Fast forward 6 weeks and I walked out. First time EVER I have done that. But it felt the right thing to do. I was not going to put my integrity at risk and I have too much respect for myself.

    I concentrated on finishing my CIPD Level 5 Diploma, which I have done and now I am jobhunting. Hopefully my next role really WILL be my dream role.

    Only you know if leaving before securing a new role is the right move for you but I wish you all the best.
  • One thing I would say when going for interviews is keep your reasons for leaving down to a minimum unless asked to expand on it. Even then, less is more.

    When I first left my toxic role and secured a few interviews, I realised that I was still quite raw over the experience and although I never bad mouthed my previous employer and tried to emphasise what I learnt in the short amount of time I was there about myself etc, looking back now I realised I probably said more than I should have and was a little critical. Needless to say those 2/3 interviews (before I realised the error of my ways) didn’t amount to any offers.

    Now if I get questioned on it, I keep it brief (not the right environment in line with my own values etc) and swiftly move on.
  • In reply to Amo:

    Yes, that's the concern, how to word it during interviews. Yes, the environment here is toxic, but I've worked in worse! If the role was offering me more in terms of the direction I want to go in, I could maybe put up with that (maybe??). I feel I can put a good case forward without being negative about the company. But you're right, only if it's questioned, I won't be offering info freely!
  • Hi Hazel

    I totally empathise, its a very difficult situation to be in. I too realised a couple of months in to a new role that it had been missold and not at all right for me despite the lovely people and amazing benefits!. I took the plunge, left, registered with an agency and took a temporary role (and a pay cut) as a stop gap. I am now fortunate to be working in a permanent role I enjoy. At interview, be honest, if a prospective employer does not understand your decision and the career path you want to be on then they are not right for you!

    Best of luck
  • In reply to Carrie:

    Hi Carrie
    Yes, that's my plan. Do some temping and take my time over the new perm role, even on less pay! As long as something is coming in to keep things ticking over.
  • I'm sorry to hear it hasn't turned out the way you want Hazel.
    I walked out of a job after 2 weeks because it was just awful. I knew I would never be happy there, it just wasn't worth the stress.

    If it makes you feel more confident about you decision, remember that the probation period is there for you to decide the role is right for you. It isn't just the company that needs to make the decision on if it is working well!
    I personally wouldn't see someone badly if they told me they left a role quickly due to it not being what was offered. Especially if their previous track record was 'normal'.

    I hope you find something better suited soon!
  • In reply to Hannah:

    Absolutely! It's just that you always feel that the company has the upper hand when it's yourself in the situation. It's a standalone role, so I really have nobody I can sound off to. I feel empowered again after all of your posts, I really appreciate it!
  • Hi Hazel,

    I did exactly that myself 3 years ago. I left my old job because I felt it was time, among other reasons & I also wanted something closer to home. A job came up, which on paper was what I was looking for, I had a slight niggle about it at interview, but ultimately accepted the offer. One month in and I was still shadowing the outgoing HR manager, I had no computer of my own and I was still referred to as X's replacement. The outgoing HR manager left, and suddenly I was on my own, in a job that I really didn't like and figured out very quickly that I didn't like it. I barely saw my line manager, who was the FD, and I had no guidance as to what was expected of me. Ultimately I was job hunting by the end of the first month with the aim of being out before my probationary period was up when , the same as you, my notice period would have jumped from 1 week to 2 months!. Luckily I found my current job and I've been here 3 years this year and I'm pleased to say, currently no thoughts of going elsewhere.

    I do believe, as my friend often tells me, that things happen for a reason & that if I hadn't of gone to my "middle job" as she calls it, I may not have ended up in my current job. So my advice is go with your gut feeling. If it's not right then it's not right, look for something else and move on as soon as you can and don't stress the "blip" on your CV. It's easily explainable and fair - after all probationary periods are supposed to be for both employer and employee in my mind, it has to work for both sides.
  • Hi Hazel, I did the same back last year, I really needed a change and wanted to develop and so I left my role for a HR Administrator role with a slightly higher salary. I was excited at first, the interview went very well, and as always I asked a number of questions (after all it's about the role being a right fit for you too!). After my first day I really did not know what to do as it turned out that the role involved me working on a reception desk within a HR department. There was no mention of this at my interview or the Job Description. I came home really stressed out about the whole situation, and as confused as I was, I went back the next day. I had an open discussion with the Senior HR manager there and addresses my concerns. He asked about the role I did previously, and when I informed him of this, his response was 'why did you leave that job for this?' I could tell by the time of his voice that I had clearly taken a big step back. I was lucky enough to get asked to go back to my previous job and I accepted this without a second thought. I contacted the new employee and explained why I was no returning, and that the role had been entirely mis sold to me. I didn't feel bad for doing this, in fact I felt proud of myself for dealing with the situation professionally and following my gut instinct.