I've made a huge mistake changing jobs!

Hi all

I realised quite early on that I've made a huge mistake moving to my current company!  I fancied taking a leap from my previous role, I'd been there for 4 years and felt I needed to get some experience in another industry.

Whilst I don't regret leaving my old company, I do feel that I've taken my career into another direction entirely, in fact, I would say I've taken a big step back.

Now - what to do?  Do I just persevere?  Or do I leave now before the end of my probation, when my notice period jumps up to 3 months!

I wondered whether any of you have experienced this and what you did?


  • In reply to Kimberley:

    Hi Kimberley
    Wow! That really was a step back for you, that is awful! What were the company thinking? I'm assuming that you were interviewed by someone in the HR department, they should have surely been more up front about the position and what it entailed! That's awful. I'm glad you managed to get your old role back.

    I was interviewed by the CEO, so I don't blame him entirely, he just doesn't understand HR and what we do, so I wasn't really misled deliberately. I knew the role would be slightly different, but not drastically different. Because the CEO doesn't understand the role of HR, he wouldn't have known to point the differences out - the major one being no access to data! He would have had no way of knowing how important this is to someone in HR.

    I've resigned since posting, so am now working my notice and have effectively made myself unemployed. I shall put it down to experience and will certainly probe more during the interview process in the future.

    It's all a learning curve I suppose!

  • This was the thread I needed today!
    I made a move just under 6 months ago and whilst I can see huge potential in the organisation the Directors and I have very different values and ideas about what it is to manage people. There is a very negative and mean spirited attitude towards wellbeing, development, reward etc.
    Needless to say I just needed the reassurance that its ok to cut my losses. Thanks Community!
  • In reply to Victoria:

    It's great isn't it Victoria. You can feel very isolated and even like you're losing it! But then you come on here and get the support and reassurance you need. I'm slightly fearful, as I'm not really in a financial position to be able to not have pay coming in, but I feel so much better now that I've made that decision. Good luck!
  • Hi Hazel, I'm glad to hear you made the decision to resign, as I know myself how being in that situation can really affect you. As you can imagine I was absolutley distraught because at my interview I asked so many questions about the role, what it involved etc yet it was not ever mentioned that I would be 'manning a reception desk'. If they had mentioned this to me I would have definitley not accepted the post. I knew after the first day that it wasn't right, I was being referred to as 'the new one on reception' and also I was told that it was my responsibility to go around the building and stocking up tea and coffees in each meeting room! I do basic tasks in my role now such as stamping, sorting and distributing post for example, but the reason I applied for the post was because it appeared to be a step in the right direction. I was actually interviewed by the HR manager! I think after meeting with the head of HR I think he too knew that I was too advanced for the role. Can I ask, have you told them the reason why your resigning? And if so, what has been their reaction? I found it difficult after two days to be honest with them about why I wanted to quit. I then realised that I was not doung wribg to put myself first. If they had been more clear on the job role, they wouldn't have wasted my time or theirs.