Power Generation Sector- Things to know and things to ask

Hi All

I have a 2nd interview for a HR Manager role working in the power generation sector (A sector I am not very familiar with) however, what I have found out so far is that my potential Manager is not based in the UK and will not be part of the 1st or 2nd stage interview process (Interviews have/will be conducted by other senior managers in the UK office). The sector is very heavy unionised ('Blue Book' agreement) and is what is known as a 'feast or famine' industry. Their finances look ok however, since they 'launched' in the UK in 2017, they have been late in filing all of their tax returns and also have £1.2million due for tax payments due on their last set of accounts.

In terms of HR, there would be the Manager and an advisor position(which is already filled) and then there are 4 other office staff (Office Manager, Payroll Manager, Payroll Assistant and Financial Controller) the rest of the roles are onsite engineers etc. who are recruited for projects and then made redundant, as per the Blue Book agreements.

There is no HR system in place at the moment but the IT Director is looking into this (Not sure why the current HRM is not involved in this). This is key for me as the business is currently using a spreadsheet for both HR and Payroll, which doesn't appear to be very effective.The role seems very challenging, but could also be very rewarding so I am weighing up the pro's and con's, so just doing some forward thinking to ensure I get the right information and ask the right questions to make an informed decision.

What I have so far is:

1. Why has reporting on finances been late twice? (Hoping this shows commercial awareness)

2. Where in the process are they with the implementation of the HR/Payroll system, as I would like to be involved in this.

3. How does the HR Advisor like to be managed? (I will be meeting her as part of the interview process)

4. How often do senior management meetings occur?

5.When will I have the opportunity to meet with my Manager? (I want to understand where his priorities are for me and the HR function. He is the Project Director)

6.There was another one, but my head hurts :( 

Any advice on information to ask for or questions to ask would be really helpful. I have already met with the Payroll and Office Manager and next interview is with the Financial Controller and meeting the HRA.

Role is HRM (I am regional HR Advisor now) and is a significant financial increase.

Thank you in advance.
