Two agencies - one position

Dear all 

I’ve signed one a job via two agencies one came first who can offer me higher salary the other way Is lower however because first took a long time to get back me I’ve spoken to the second to give a try.  And now first came back so I have an interview but also second came back saying the company says I have arranged an interview, do you think this will affect the company’s view on me? As I’ve signed up for both agencies ? So far I still have confirmation of my interview from one of the recruiter. Please advise what should I say if hiring managers ask such issue from the interview? Probably they wouldn’t care but I’m just slightly concerned. 

Thank you in advance


  • Lots of people are signed up to multiple agencies. The recruiter probably won’t care unless there is some dispute about who introduced you to the company first ( and therefore gets the fee). In most nstances if an agency has already put you forward for a job and another agency suggests it to you then you explain you have already been put forward.

    so the key for the recruiter will be if it’s clear who introduced you and who therefore gets the fee. 

  • In reply to Keith:

    That certainly reassured me! Thank you so much.
  • In reply to Paula:

    Good Luck!
  • In reply to Carlie:

    Thank you.
  • In reply to Keith:


    The hiring company may see that your CV is duplicated so they may ask you about it to determine which agency they should work with. CV duplication does occur, which is not ideal as both agencies will chase the fee IF you are placed. If the hirer does ask you - it will be more about the process and finding out which agency warrants the fee and less about reflecting on you, so I shouldn't worry. In fact, you could turn this to your advantage - by expressing how you really wanted to work for this organisation, hence the 2-pronged approach!

    Best of luck.
  • In reply to Paula:

    I would suspect the only thing the agencies are worried about is making money.
  • In reply to Ginnie:

    That sounds good. Thank you. I was thinking earlier if I was the hr which I am , if the candidate had been forwarded twice by two agencies they may think this candidate is not so bad :P
  • In reply to David Perry:
