I shall write again in six months time with an update

It's good to be an optimist but also a realist at the same time. 

I am not going to become an HR Advisor this time tomorrow, this time next week, this time next month or even this time next year. That is a fact.

Similarly, Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting a different result and outcome. 

One may ask the same question in a hundred different ways yet receive the same answer a hundred different times. 

I will however set myself this realistic target and goal. I am currently 45 and will give myself the next four decades or until 85 to try and become Chief Senior Global Head of People for an organisation somewhere in the world.

If I can still not get that type of HR role then and over that passage of time, or are still an HR Administrator in my mid 80s, I will then call it a day and conclude that it's unlikely to happen as I have then run out of time. 

As with everything in life, time will naturally tell.      

  • In reply to Andre:

    Andre - Its never been about spending thousands of pounds and getting higher and higher professional qualifications. Its always been about finding something you are good at and excelling at that. Job first - qualifications second for me.