Moving out of HR?

Hi everyone

I appreciate that this possibly isn't the best forum to ask, but I was looking to find out if anyone here has any experience of moving out of HR. I obtained a degree in Business and HR Management 5 years ago, have been working in HR for about 4.5 years now and, regrettably, have decided that the career path does not suit me.

I think it's mainly as a result of my personality, I'm naturally shy, very conflict-averse and generally have a "live-and-let-live" approach with a strong desire for people to understand one another's point of view (and make a good effort to get on with one another!). I've toughened up throughout my career, but I also have a relatively thin skin and have had to adopt a number of coping mechanisms during my day-to-day role to handle conflict and to "harden up" to situations that others would simply be able to breeze through which sometimes negatively affects my health. I do enjoy parts of working in HR, but on the whole it's simply not for me and I feel awful that in such an over saturated market I'm hogging a really great opportunity for someone!

My question is, does anyone have any experience of or know of anyone who successfully transitioned out of HR into another business function? I'm thinking of moving into something more creative, ideally copy or content writing, but I wonder if it would be difficult to market my skills gained in HR into an entirely different function. I've made an effort over the last year to make sure that other skills that I have (creative and otherwise) are up-to-date and polished as much as I can and have been keeping up with industry developments, but I'm just a little worried that it may be difficult for people to understand the fairly radical change so if anyone has any stories or advice to share, I would really appreciate that.

If you're still reading this, thank you for taking the time!

  • Have you thought about specialising in L&D? Your post could have been written by me! I felt exactly the same about HR, moved into education for a number of years and am now an L&D specialist heading up an apprenticeship programme and I love it :)
  • Having broken into HR at the age of 40 with no previous relevant experience and which took me some 3.8 years in total, I can offer the following professional advice from personal experience.

    You can change your entire career and sector at any stage, but have to be prepared to start out again at zero and from the bottom as you don’t have the relevant experience to enter a new profession or field of work at the same level. This often involves taking a salary cut in the process.

    So, let’s now say that you now want to move from HR into Marketing.You need to start volunteering and doing internships for a number of years to get enough experience to then start to be able to apply for entry level roles such as Marketing Administrator and Marketing Assistant, like someone wanting to break into HR for the first time. You can’t go in immediately on the Marketing Officer or Marketing Manager level.

    This may also be alongside retraining again from scratch and taking a marketing degree (BA & MA) and / or the CIM professional qualifications to make you both more competitive and also offer the full package as a candidate. You may also need to learn new PC software packages as well.

    You can therefore do it, but it all takes a huge amount of time, money, effort and sacrifice in the process to build up a new career background in a field. We are talking  years and not just a few weeks or months that someone can go from (to use another example) from being an HR Business Partner to being a BBC News Reporter. You need to spend years to train a build up your experience and profile to prepare you to the level to compete for jobs in your new profession.

    Nowadays, few employers are willing to hire and train people without a track record of relevant experience. You will also need to rewrite your CV and LinkedIn profile accordingly.

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 Mar, 2019 10:18

    Hi Samantha...


    I'm sure there are other threads, too. I'll try to fish them out.