Is there any app or website that sends alerts regarding journal publications?

Is there any website or app that would alert me if a journal or article has been published regarding my area of interest? (Human Resource) because I am finding it really hard to keep track of latest publications. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
Also I hope I posted in the right part of the forum!

  • Welcome to the forums Oeshwick.
    I'm not aware of anything that does this, and am having difficulty trying to imagine a business case for someone wanting to do this type of service without charging a very high level of fees for the research work required to feed the system........
    Anyone have any ideas?
  • You have Google Alerts, RSS feeds, signing up for newsletters from publications you like...
    What have you already tried?
  • In reply to Ray:


    might possibly be of interest - although it's a private, members subscription library and primarily for humanities topics - although their e library seems to have access to HR journals etc

    Also, almost any good UK university library plus CIPD's own library might be able to offer similar online access. I believe JSTOR site provides access to many academic journals, but by no means all of them.

    There's the British Library too, that might be worth a look, but not sure of the depth etc of their online catalogues or coverage of non-UK journals etc

  • In reply to David:

    You're quite right David, but this requires either subscription or actively identifying the sites, publications that you are interested in and then looking at the list of articles in that particular issue.
    What I understood Oeshwik to be asking is whether there is a site that correlates all this in one place or an app that does all the work for you and "pushes" a notification about the relevant information as it becomes available. Like many things I'm sure it would be technically feasible with large investment and lots of ressources - on the other hand would it be a valid business proposition for the person developing, mareting, supplyingand maintaining it, that's another question.....