Hi, I am wondering how do I show my knowledge of the organisation's HR procedures on the job application?
I have researched their website, but paraphrasing and listing it seems awkward?
Your advice would be appreciated, thank you.
Hi, I am wondering how do I show my knowledge of the organisation's HR procedures on the job application?
I have researched their website, but paraphrasing and listing it seems awkward?
Your advice would be appreciated, thank you.
In reply to Lesley:
Actually thinking about it - I'm willing to bet that the job you're applying for is in a public sector org and you're writing a "personal statement" outlining how you meet the essential requirements of the job against the person specification. In those circumstances, the shortlisting process can be very literal, so do be very specific about what you've done and intend to do to meet this requirement.Visit the main CIPD website
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