Starting out and not sure whether to specialise or hold out for a more general role


I have worked in corporate communications since the 1990s and am now wishing to have a career change and move into HR.I have enrolled onto CIPD Level 3 Diploma in HR.

My current employer doesn't have an HR function and would not necessarily be supportive in my career goals.  There is an opportunity elsewhere for a role where I would be responsible for recruitment. So my question is, should I jump at the chance to get first hand experience in this one aspect of HR, or would this deter future employers and is it worth holding out for a more general HR assistant role to gain experience to make me more marketable in a year or so?

Any thoughts/words of experience would be welcome.

Thank you.

  • Hi Sarah

    I’d advise moving to the new recruitment role but explaining why you’re leaving to your present employers. If these are anything but the smallest of employers they must have the usual needs to undertake HR activities, so they may possibly like to consider you assuming responsibility for co ordinating these in the light of your Diploma studies?

    If that route is not open for any reason, then the recruitment role might be a first step on the ladder / foot in the door and you may be able to put a similar proposition to this employer.

    And if Things don’t work out in accordance with your career objectives, then you can look elsewhere whilst at least still employed in recruitment and still studying.

    For most HR Assistant roles, even generalist ones, I’d have thought that someone even from a specialised recruitment background who was studying wider aspects of HR off the job / elsewhere would potentially have sufficient administrative skills and underpinning knowledge to grow into them.

    Just a few musings - ultimately it’s your decision and there will be pros and cons either way - as well as an element of good or bad luck that may shape the success or otherwise of the outcome. You can’t predict future events, only prepare for them as best you can, but if you don’t make a beginning you’ll not stand a chance of getting where you want.
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you David - you have pretty much summed up what I was thinking so it's helpful to have a voice of experience to give me the confidence.