Asking for current salary on application form

So I've been applying for new jobs lately and I've noticed a lot of places ask for current or previous salary details on their application forms. I'm leaving this blank wherever possible (I am applying for jobs on a similar level to my current position so not trying to move up). I don't understand how this information would be constructively used by a potential employer, other than to offer a potentially lower salary than they had originally planned. Wondering if I'm paranoid or can this info actually be beneficial for both prospective employer and employer
  • As far as I’m aware, it’s usually so they can salary match, as oppose to offering a potential lower salary. You can also salary negotiate should their offer not meet your requirements.
  • In addition to Andriana's point, it's a way of assessing greater meaning behind a person's employment history.

    "Project Officer" roles, by way of just one example, could mean a huge range of things and I know of Project Officers on £21k and Project Officers on £75k and their roles, skills and qualifications are, naturally, very different.

    So seeing the number associated with the job gives the recruiter an idea of whether the applicant is a suitable match.

    Is it accurate? No. But it is a potentially helpful additional data point.
  • Just another note depending on the size of the company your employer can see your previous salary ballpark from HMRC so it's also not worth lying about either.