Level 3 vs Level 5 - for Accounting Grad


I currently have a first class honours degree in accounting & finance and have complete 11 of the 15 ACA exams whilst working which were very demanding. However, I've decided that accounting isn't for me and I'm looking to move into HR - I have no prior HR experience.

I was wondering what people think about whether I could go straight to Level 5 CIPD, skipping Level 3?

I don't mind if it will require extra reading around the subjects, I just feel that maybe the Level 3 (as it's a-level standard) might be a bit too easy.

From looking at the content covered in the units for Levels 3 and 5 I don't see that I'd miss too much going straight to level 5? I'm also just thinking about costs of doing 3 then 5 as I'm funding myself.

Please let me know what you think.


  • Hi Tatiana

    I entered HR as a graduate trainee, so the only HR qualification I have ever done is Level 7...I've never felt disadvantaged by not having done L3 or L5....practical experience is crucial though

    Best wishes

  • In reply to Emily:

    Hi Emily

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    What was your degree in, was it related to HR?

    As I have an unrelated degree and no experience.

  • Academically you will be able to cope of course (with 3,5 or 7) but you risk missing out on the learning gained along the way especially as you have zero experience. Your main challenge however is likely to be finding a role that you can develop skills in rather than gaining the qualifications.
  • Hi Tatiana,

    Have you considered a career on the payroll side? It might give you a bit of a step up in the world of HR if that is where you want to be longer-term?

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Sep, 2017 17:12

    In reply to Jenny:

    Signposts advice for a payroll beginner discussion...

  • Hi Tatiana,

    I don't have any practical experience of HR either, although I went through a similar thought process re qualification.

    A few thoughts:

    Are you able to shadow someone to gain experience of the HR function? This may help you to gain a better understanding before changing careers. Someone I knew wanted to change careers to become a teacher, but it was only by seeing the role that they decided on reflection it wasn't for them. This is not intended to put you off but to help validate your current thought process (if needed).

    Re qualification, I'm also self funded, and this was a factor in my decision making. I decided on the Level 5 Diploma, and read the following book before starting: Introduction to Human Resource Management by Leatherbarrow & Fletcher. It's not for me to comment whether starting at L5 is the right thing to do.

    Since joining the community, I read an interesting piece by Paul Strickland (I hope he does not mind me linking his work - It may be useful): workforcedynamics.wordpress.com/.../

    Good luck!
  • In reply to Tatiana:

    Hi Tatiana

    My degree was History, and I had no HR experience prior to starting my Level 7, but I did it alongside a graduate scheme, so gained the experience whilst studying

