Currently abroad - when should I start a qualification?

Hi all,

Thanks in advance for reading and for any advice you offer. I'm a 28yo graduate who has held an interest in HR/L&D for the last three years now but due to being a flustered, non-committal 20-something, hasn't made huge strides until now (although I have been an online member of the CIPD for that time!) I have been in the job market for 6 years and have been mainly in the charity sector with roles in research and admin. I would like to move to the public sector if possible; preferably the NHS.

I am really interested in pursuing a career within HR. At the moment my heart lies 60/40 towards organizational development, but having speculatively job-hunted I also like the look of L&D. My quandary however is this. I am currently abroad in Bangladesh (working, as it happens, in an HR team although there isn't much to do!). Upon my return I no longer want to be based in London as I find it impossible to rent there, and would like to move to Manchester as in fact I've planned to for a long time now.

However, from my lack of direct experience and of course, qualification it appears I'm unlikely to get a job paying anything over 20k, if that. I would want to aim for 23/4k in order to rent alone and run a car. Most advice I've been given is to wait till I work to pursue a qualification and find an employer who will pay.

Whilst I don't have the funds needed myself for a Level 3 at present, it's feasible for me to borrow from my parents and pay back later, although I'd like to avoid borrowing if possible. My question is this. Do I:

a) wait until my return to the UK (currently planned for about 5 months time), doing my best to network online and job hunt in the process, hoping I'll find something

b) start doing a L3 qualification online in the hope that that will secure me a decently-paid role soon after I get back?

c) apply for any role I'm able to get, regardless of whether it's directly related to HR (although I would aim for as close as possible) and save up to self-fund L3 and eventually hope to work in HR thereafter?

Many, many thanks for reading and any advice you can offer.


  • Welcome to the communities, there are a number fo threads on this as its a popular subject and if you use the search facility you will find lots of helpful advice - here's one to get you started.

    I think a L3 qualification will be a good investment (not to get you a higher paid job) to try and get you an entry level job. The market is incredibly tight and you will find it difficult to get an entry level job without BOTH a qualification and some experience. So it may well be worth doing the L3 remotely now - many employers wouldn't fund it for a new post anyway.

    You are unlikely to find work in OD immediately (or even in early years) OD is very specialised and actually very niche - relatively few pure OD roles.

    Think its work you investing some serious time thinking what you really want to do 

  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you so much, a really helpful reply! I didn't think L3 would get me straight into a well-paid role but also received advice that suggested it was worth looking/waiting for. Thanks for bringing me down to earth!

    As for your OD advice, that is comforting to know, as I was worried I was missing obvious signage towards an OD path in my research but clearly not! I know a couple of OD professionals who have been in the path a while and have been encouraging but it's good to know that is something I need to prepare for rather than watch out for. I've been pointed towards masters courses, so that's something I can spend the next few years saving towards as well!

    Can I ask your advice then on what you think are good roles to go for in order to eventually go down this path? As I'm interested in change management, are project-managing roles in that area worth looking at? I certainly plan to do L3 (and thanks for confirming it's a good investment before starting work), but was also looking at PRINCE2 in case that would be helpful as I've read proj. mgt. is a skill that's desired more than it's found within HR.

    Thanks again!