online provider recommendations level 5 HR

Hi I have a great offer from ICS and DPG (price matched) and need to decide by 31st who to go with. Any recommendations?

Also  can anyone clarify how much work the level 5 involves? I.e hours per week if I did over 18m? 

Thank you

  • Hi Michelle

    Sorry, I've just seen this but your deadline will have passed. If it's any help I'm doing Level 5 online through DPG, and I think it's really good. I did Level 3 through them and found the workshops really good too.

    I think they recommend at least 8 hours a week for Level 5. I was made redundant in a November just after I started the course so I've been using the time till I start my new job to try and work through as many assessments as I can.

    The second assessment seemed to take me most of December doing several hours a day, but the third one was done and submitted in a week and a half!

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards

  • Hi Michelle

    I did mine through ICS. They give 24 months to complete but somehow I managed to do it in 12 months. With the Level 5 course you have to attend a couple of workshops over 2 weekends - this is a great way to network.
    There is an online community however, although it had improved since I did the Level 3 CPP it still left a lot to be desired as far as online forums are concerned in my opinion. Tutors are ok, there are different ones for different modules though some are more helpful than others but I suppose it depends who you are and what level of support you think you need.

    Regardless of who you choose good luck with your studies