Course and Advice


I don't have a huge amount of experience when it comes to HR however, I do have a 1st class degree in a different subject and believe I am more than capable of completing the Level 5 CIPD accredited course. I am so eager to learn!

I have my interview for this course on Monday and I am a little nervous. Any advice? and do you think the level 3 would be more suited to my abilities/knowledge?

Thank you for your help in advance.

  • Hi Jennifer
    Are you currently working in HR and if so, what role and how long? I think that might help to give a better understanding as to whether you should do level 3 or 5.
  • If you already have a degree then I'd suggest starting with Level 5. Level 3 would be a waste of time and money and to be honest neither course is rocket science.
  • Think it all rather depends.

    Academically you could probably do any of the three courses 3-5-7. If you treat them as academic exercises then you will probably have little trouble getting through them - some of the practical examples you will need will be a bit harder to obtain but you can find your way round that.

    But that's only worthwhile if the point is getting the badge/certificate/tick on your CV.

    If you want to "learn" and gain knowledge then starting at an entry level is slower but maybe the best option long term.
  • In reply to Cass Clothier:

    Hi Cass,
    Thanks for your reply.

    I have been helping the operational manger with small HR tasks in the office that I am based in since last October.

    I work for a SME under an umberella company, who has no HR personnel.

    I understand the level 3 is the best starting point, however, I know I have the capability to complete the level 5 and financially I can only afford to do one course.
  • In reply to Ashley:

    Thank you Ashely.

    I will find out on Monday which course they will recruite me on to, if any, so fingers crossed its the level 5.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith.

    I am eager to learn expand my knowledge but I also want that cipd box ticked.
  • In reply to Jennifer:

    Hi Jennifer
    Who is your course provider? It sounds as if you are perfectly capable of undertaking the level 5 however, being relatively new to HR and working for a company that does not have an established HR department, level 3 provides the basic fundamentals from which to build on. I can see a case for both being relevant to you in a professional sense but level 5 makes sense on a practical academic level for you.

    Whatever the outcome good luck at interview
  • Hi

    I thought I would update you all.

    I have been assessed as a level 5 from my application / assessment form which I am over the moon about.

    However, the course tutor would like to interview me to discuss how much exposure I have had to HR activities and experience. I am slightly apprehensive about this as I have only had a small amount and do not want to come across as lacking experience and thus not being able to do the course.

    How can I prepare in advance? Thank you in advance for your help :)
  • In reply to Jennifer:

    Just be honest - don't try and blag it - they are there to help you pass - the best way is being honest and open about your experience and desire to succeed.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes of course, I wouldn't want to blag it. I just want to feel prepared prior to it so I don't come across as unintelligent as it were.
  • I am pleased to announce I got on to the level 5 course, which starts in September. I am thrilled :)

    Thank you everyone for your feedback, advice and guidance.

    I am sure this isn't the last that you hear from me.

    Thanks again,

  • In reply to Jennifer:

    Im pleased for you Jennifer - during the course you might look on here for others doing the same course as you. I certainly found it useful
  • In reply to Jennifer:

    Hi Jennifer

    Hope you are well

    How are you getting on with your level 5 course? I am pretty much in the same boat as you having read through this thread in this group.

    Any advice / support you can offer from your experience so far?

  • In reply to Jennifer:

    P.s Sorry what I mean is from your interviews etc so far, I just noticed your course starts in September and it isn't September yet lol...x