CIPD PDP help needed please

Hi everyone

I'm currently studying for a Level 3 Diploma in L&D and am trying to complete the first module.  As part of the assignment we need to complete a PDP, which I've done;  I have 2 personal objectives relating to behaviours and knowledge and have added another 6 relating to how I will complete each module of the course (which we have been asked to do).  However, the feedback from my draft submission is that I need to justify my chosen method, but I have no idea how to do that.

For example, I'm a creature of habit and feel uncomfortable in situations that are out of my comfort zone.  To develop myself, I've set the objective to attend a conference next week which includes sessions on developing self awareness.  I've been asked to justify why I am attending an event rather than reading a book - how do I do that??  The session is run as part of a conference so I'm not sure what I'm justifying?

Similarly, I've said that I will complete the relevant workbooks, attend the webinars and carry out the essential reading to complete each module, but again, how do I justify that?  I'm doing it that way because that's how the course has been run?!

There is a short video on the online learning page about PDPs but doesn't mention anything at all about justifying the chosen method.

Any guidance or advise would be greatly appreciated



  • Your tutor may be best place to answer. But you need to think why this particular solution is the best solution rather than any of the other solutions. So will attending the seminar be better than reading a book because (a) reading a book feels safe to you as its a solo activity (b) attending will force you into a more public situation (c) the seminar will allow you to immediate test some of the ideas out in a challenging but safe environment etc etc. If you can add some learning theory in as well that would be grand. What are the strengths of each solution, the weaknesses, the opportunitiess etc.

    In a non training situation its only really the same as asking you to plan to get from A to B and justify the results. You could plane, train, bus, car, walk etc. Each will have benefits and drawbacks (speed, cost, ability to work while doing it, environmental impact etc(

    Welcome to the communities
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks very much for your reply. My tutor was on leave all last week and I've left a voicemail today but haven't heard back yet. Need to submit this afternoon, hence why I posted on here instead of waiting for her to come back to me.

    What you've said makes a lot more sense than the comment that was left on my draft submissions. At least now I feel as if I have something to go on - thanks so much! :)