HRM Master's student in USA moving to UK


I am a postgraduate student completing a Human Resource Management degree in the US, where I am from. However, when I complete it I plan to move to the UK to be with my fiance. Doing a course in the UK was an international student was not an option due to financial concerns.

I am a little discouraged that I have just spent thousands of dollars getting this degree and will have to take a CIPD course on top of it to be considered for jobs. I have just completed an internship in HR and will be seeking out HR assistant positions while I complete my degree.  I am wondering what my options are -- do I sign up for a distance learning CIPD level 3 certificate course? Will I be considered for HR positions with just the Master's degree? Is the Master's degree even an asset in the UK in HR? This is all new to me as I was ignorant in believing that it would be a similar process as the US where you simply take an exam to become accredited. Any insight regarding my options would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

  • Hi Kaitlyn

    You must be very excited to move!

    Accreditations are not the be all and end all of HR, but they are useful to distinguish you from other candidates in what is a very competitive job market.

    The issue you may face with your US Master's degree is that UK and US HR law is extremely different. A CIPD course might be useful for you as you would cover a module on employment legislation in the UK which may help bring you up to speed for the UK market and make you more desirable. You could also do your own research and use free tools, such as the ACAS website, to build your own knowledge.

    You will also want to make sure that you can legally work in the UK. Without the right to work, no Company is likely to take you on.

    Good luck!

  • Would you be able to get accreditation in the US with your master's degree? If you can, I would suggest doing this as there are reciprocal agreements between CIPD and other international HR professional bodies, which may allow you to become chartered without needing to go through the study route.

    Equally, you should still be able to apply for HR jobs without CIPD qualification. Your master's degree would be roughly equivalent to CIPD Level 7, so I don't think studying a Level 3 would be suitable for you. You might be better off doing a postgraduate short-course in Employment Law in the UK instead.

    Not all employers would employ you without CIPD, but many will. As Melanie points out - employment law is different in the UK, but I think if you're working in a global organisation your US knowledge may be helpful.
  • In reply to Lesley:

    This is really encouraging. I have considered the differences in UK and US law and my degree program does cover one class on international law but I will look into taking a short course on UK law specifically.

    This was really helpful, Lesley, thank you. I may take the short course when I arrive in the UK, look for jobs, and when I am in a position where I can afford the monthly CIPD class payments I will move forward with that. Thank you for giving me some direction.
  • In reply to Melanie:

    Thank you Melanie. I may take a short course on UK employment law upon arriving, secure a position and then take the level 7 CIPD course as I will be able to make the monthly payments then.

    I do have the right to legally work in the UK so I have that on my side :) Thank you again.