Struggling with dissertation proposal topic

Hi all,

I'm struggling with my dissertation proposal topic and wondered whether anyone could give me an angle?

I work in HR in an arts organisation. My supervisor would ideally like to look at something related to EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) which interests me, but I am being steered down the gender route and I am stuck. My organisation is predominantly female, we are small (<150 employees) but the senior management team is roughly a 50/50 male-female split.

My supervisor has suggested I could consider areas such as sexual stereotyping, harassment, maternity, etc. as well as considering the ability of women within the workforce to make it to the higher management level.

However, I want/need to add something to the research that's already out there and we already know that there are more men at the top of an organisation - so what other angle could I come at this from?

Any thoughts?

Obviously, I am a last minute merchant  - it's due in next week (3000 word inc literature review). So far, my reading has revealed very little that I didn't already know...

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Matilda

    Don't you need to base your dissertation on original research? At this late date I'd pick a topic that you can research and write up in the time available and forget about adding anything to the existing body of research. You will struggle to get completed questionnaires back and analyse the results by your deadline, never mind write a whole dissertation.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for your email.

    Perhaps I wasn't clear - it's just the proposal I am handing in next week - not the whole dissertation! I wouldn't fancy my chances of getting anything done if my timeframe was that short to write 15000 words!

    Basically, I have to come up with a research title, which I have semi done: gender inclusion in a predominantly female workforce, but then I have to come up with a question "Are we gender inclusive in our talent management practices" for example and then a hypothesis: 'In spite of the high volume of women in the workforce, there are barriers stalling the progress of women to the top management tier of the organisation'.

    My concern is that this doesn't add to the body of research that already exists, but as you say - perhaps it doesn't need to?

    Best wishes,

  • In reply to Matilda:

    That makes more sense!

    While it would be great to add something fresh to the existing body of research, I think I would concentrate on producing a meaningful piece of work for your employer. This is potentially something that could influence strategy in a number of areas and be of real value to your organisation. That doesn't mean to say that it wouldn't have value to a wider audience, but I would not start with that ambition.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Great, thanks Elizabeth. Perhaps I am getting more caught up in whether it will add anything to the research that's already out there rather than thinking about how it will be of value for my workplace. I will try and focus on that instead, and perhaps I will find I am closer than I thought! Fingers crossed!
  • In reply to Matilda:

    Would love to find out what you decided to do your dissertation on?!