Completed Level 5 through ICS Learn - How long for certificate to be issued?

Hello everyone,

I've just completed my Level 5 through ICS Learn. I understand that this now needs  to go through a verification process before the certificate can be issued to me. However, I've been told that it can take 16 weeks for me to be sent the certificate. I completed the qualification in 5 months so feel a bit short changed that it will take almost as long to issue my certificate as it did for me to complete the course! Does anyone have experience with receiving their certificate through ICS Learn (I know that ultimately it comes from the CIPD but that ICS Learn have to pass the grades onto CIPD)? I'm wondering whether it does actually take 16 weeks or whether they're giving me that figure on a worst case scenario basis?

Thank you

  • How can you complete it with ICS so soon? Don’t they have set deadlines? Do you just work through it yourself? I’m doing level 5 with AVADO and the diploma lasts 14 months. Each module is split into learning weeks, there are two tutor support sessions per module and the assignment deadline is always 6-8 weeks after a module opens (5DVP and 5UIN) being the six week modules. You can’t finish sooner than 14 months because the next module will only open once the assignment deadline for a module has passed.
  • In reply to Amo:

    I am studying the Diploma online with DPG and you go at your own pace with up to 2 years to complete all 8 units.

    I started on 1 April and completed the first 6 units by the beginning of September (including a 6 week break when I lost my mojo) so it is possible.

    It depends how much time you have free to study and complete the assignments as to how quickly you complete.

    I have again hit a bit of a wall (plus I have no laptop at the moment) so I am having another break and hope to complete my last 2 assignments early next year.

    Perhaps Amo is doing the certificate which is only 6 units I believe.

    Good luck with the rest of your course!

  • Hi Nicola,

    Usually this process takes some time but ultimately it depends on how quickly ICS send the CIPD your results. I can confirm that once the CIPD have received your results and they do not need to be returned due to errors, they will be processed within 6 weeks. Following this, a certificate will be dispatched to you.


  • In reply to Maria:

    1. Hi was the L5 difficult to pass? I have a baby and just wondering whether it's not that demanding to study at the same time since I have no one to help as well. What would you advise. Because I don't want to waste money as well. Thks
  • In reply to MILLICENT:

    I completed my L5 Certificate in just over a year via Mixed Mode learning. 1 of my friends has a 11 month baby and and as she delayed starting it, she is somehow managing to complete ALL the Diploma modules within 5 months (as that's her deadline for funding etc). I gather she has passed all the modules she has completed so far but can't say I envy her as I found it hard enough working full time and moving house whilst I was studying!
    It also depends on how you are studying - online/mixed mode/classes etc.
  • Hello everyone I’m currently studying my level 5 diploma, I flew through my first 4 while I was attending workshops then due to work commitments I had to try and just catch up using the online materials and it’s just not the same at all. I’m yet to complete 5UIN 5LMS 5HRF and 5IVP. I’ve passed the other four although I don’t claim to be the most academic but I’m happy to share any ideas with you for reference if anyone’s interested in doing the same as presume everyone starts and struggles with different assignments.
  • In reply to Michelle:

    Hi Michelle, if you've completed 5DVP or 5CHR, would you be able to help? my email is lukebcipd@gmail.com. Much Appriciated!
  • Hi Nicola, I'm currently on the Cipd level 5 too can we chat by email if possible Pls I need help. Thank you millicentelekwa@yahoo.com
  • In reply to Clare:

    Thank you Claire. Kindly link up I'm currently on level 5 too will be great contacting you. My email address Pls millicentelekwa@yahoo.com
  • In reply to Lorraine:

    Hi Lorraine,
    Congratulations on your pass last year. Like you, I've just heard that I've passed my reflective and last assessment. How long did it take to get your certificate and were you kept informed as to the progression? Also, I uploaded my PDP as instructed separately at the beginning of the course updating as I went but that remains ungraded - was that the same for you?
    Sorry for all the questions.
    Kind regards,
  • In reply to John:

    Hi John,
    Well done for completing it!!
    I submitted end of November and had my cert mid-January. I did call the CIPD to check on progress around the end of December I think.
    All of my elements were graded, I'm sure it will be done in due course.
  • In reply to Lorraine:

    Hi Lorraine,
    Thank you very much and I'll give the CIPD a wee nudge towards the end of the year.
    Take care,
  • In reply to John:

    You too!