DVP/02 - Reflective Account Examples - Level 5


I've just completed Unit 1 and want to work on my DVP/02 as I go along the course.

Does anyone have any examples or guidance on how to write this essay as I'm really not sure what kind of style they want or how to complete a reflection.

Many Thanks,


  • Hi Hannah share your email I send you examples
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike,

    My email is hannah.greenwell@outlook.com

    Many Thanks
  • Hi Mike. I would love to have your examples. Thank you. My email address is georgia.dragomirescu@gmail.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, is it possible that you could send these to me also? Thank you if you can!
  • Hi Mike could I also have this too please. My email address is lauranorris82@yahoo.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike and Hannah, I hope you don't mind me jumping in on here.
    Mike I would really appreciate it if you could share your examples with me too.
    rachelparsons73@gmail.com. Many thanks
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, hope you dont mind me messaging but I have just come to the end of my course, I have completed this part but I am not sure If I have done it correctly are you okay to send this along to me too please and if possible would you have any advise or a copy/guide of how to start the reflective blog assignment, I really am struggling with this and what i am writting will not meet the criteria!

    Thank you if you see this :)
  • In reply to Mike:

    I am currently writing DVP/02 and am almost finished, I really struggled with reflections, if you still have some examples could I have a look at them too please for peace of mind? :) (kayleigh_m@hotmail.co.uk)

    Many thanks
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, I hope am not too late to also get some examples bukkybg@googlemail.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike if it's not too late please could you send me some aswell. My email address is sali@webuy.com.
  • In reply to Kayleigh:

    Hi Kayleigh. Congratulations on completing your course. I'm at this stage you were back in February and hoping you could send your examples please? Thank you jo5716@hotmail.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, I would be really grateful if you could send me example too? Jadamurray99@gmail.com. Many thanks Jada
  • In reply to Olubunkola:

    Hi Mike, would you be able to share these with me please on jamroll84@gmail.com?
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike, I would be extremely grateful for this too. littleladywhite1@gmail.com
  • In reply to Mike:

    Hi Mike
    My email is kroberts@lrgs.org.uk could you send me them too please?
