Does Referral Matter ???

Hello Everyone, I am currently living in Reading I have over 10 years of impressive HR experience working as a Business partner, Recruitment manager and Resource Management in IBM India. I have been looking for a role which encompasses my skills but I have hit a dead end to every job I have applied for. This makes me question how important is it for an experienced HR to have a good referral to land a job ???? 

  • I presume you mean a reference and sadly i think this is not the answer.
    references are generally only taken up late in the process so if you are not getting interviews it is more likely to be your cv or cover letter or people not understanding your qualifications/experience
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Hi Rahul

    Like Peter. I'm very certain that references / testimonials / recommendations / referrals and the like don't count for much if anything at all in getting anyone onto shortlists.

    What does count IMHO is perceived 'fit' to the scope of the job, bearing in mind that most shortlisters' attention spans are shorter than those of eg fruit flies.

    Might it be that UK recruiters register 'experience confined to India' and assume (presumably wrongly) that it can't readily transfer to the UK HR operating environment at that particular job level? Assuming so, your task is to convince them, within a few seconds of starting to read about you, that it most definitely could.
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you for the insights David