Failed first assignment

So I've failed my first assignment (twice) which is really disheartening and I'm feeling like a complete failure. I'm feeling a little cheated as at the start of processing the assignments I was told I had 3 submissions, it then changed to 2 and now I can't redeem myself.

I'm also baffled with the layout of the learning outcomes compared to the Assessment Criteria. Initially we're presented with three activities but it's broken down 1.1,1.2,2.1,2.2,2.3 and I feel like there was no support prior to writing the essay as to how to detailed it were to be or just being steered in the right direction. My feedback was also processed twice as apparently there was an "error" uploading it but both feedback forms were half completed when sending it back which was just more confusing. 

Has anyone else been in this position and failed their first assignment? Feeling really anxious about this all. 

  • In reply to Amo:

    I've only signed up with ICS and paying a monthly fee to sit the course. I only have a student number at this stage, I'm still only on the first assignment :(
  • In reply to Monika:

    Try not to be disheartened Monika. I found the first essay for Level 5 very hard and it took me a (very) long time to write it. I also had issues when my tutor mistakenly marked my second attempt at the essay as a fail when I had passed!

    Hopefully the advice others have given will help you to re-write the essay. I found once I had the first essay under my belt it got much easier and by the last few modules I had a far better understanding of what was needed.

    There was quite a difference between the different tutors also, with some giving much clearer feedback and support than others.

    Ask your tutor for more support if you need it and stay confident :). I was very discouraged at first but I got there in the end and passed the course a couple of months ago.
  • Hi Monika,

    I too have just failed twice, 2 s7b sections not explained enough.
    What has happened since, what's the next steps, how does it impact the total qualification?
  • Hi Monika,

    I too have just failed twice, 2 s7b sections not explained enough.
    What has happened since, what's the next steps, how does it impact the total qualification?
  • In reply to Erin:

    Hey Erin,

    Who are you sitting the CIPD with?

    I'm about to start assignment 5 since the my first failing of assignement 1 so don't feel too disheartened, it can take a while to get into the swing of thing.

    ICS pretty much gave me the same assignment again but just worded and formatted it into a differently style. It hasn't impacted my overall qualification If you need help with anything just let me know :)
  • In reply to Monika:

    Hi Monika,

    I just failed my assignment for the second time also, this is with ICS too. I’m wondering if you have any advice for me?

    I have taken a really long time to get this assignment done as it is a completely different style of writing from what I am used to. Feeling really disheartened and anxious about failing this course.

    Any help would be greatly received!
  • In reply to Lucy:

    Hi Lucy,

    I failed twice too, I sat and cried and nearly threw the towel in on the whole thing! BUT I realised I am not alone, we are not the first ones to fail twice, and we sure wont be the last. Everything we do helps us to get better!

    I have just completed the 2nd assignment and passed first time so now onto Unit 2, which felt like a huge achievement!!
    The 2nd assignment was similar, but 2 sections were slightly changed to help you focus on what you need better understanding in.
    I'm happy I didn't pass 1st or 2nd time because now I am more confident in writing assignments

    I had a good look at the feedback I received from both submissions and bullet pointed each one. I then worked my way back through the assignment and really was critical of what I had written.
    My problem, I found out is a didn't read and reread my assignment enough to figure out if it made sense, and make changes as I went through. I took out fluffy sentences and focused on actual content, and if I actually did include all the feedback.

    Don't be disheartened, take 1 or 2 nights to sleep on it and attack it with a clearer head in a few days time.
    Call your tutor when you receive and have read the 2nd assignment, really ask questions and talk about what you are finding difficult, I needed time to get use to online learning (Its been a while) and I asked better questions, if its not clear, say.

    I hope that helps a little!
  • In reply to Monika:

    Thanx Monika,

    I've just passed the 2nd assignment, so I'm happily but nervously moving onto Unit 2! Its good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel sometimes.

    I hope to be better for the next Unit!
  • In reply to Lucy:

    Hi Lucy,

    Firstly please don't feel disheartened about it (easier said than done) but in hindsight it was good that I failed as it actually made me look into the planning behind the essay writing a little more.

    My advice is, instead of directly answering the questions they first outline, answer the criterias instead. So what I mean by this is answer Criteria 1.1 1.2, 2.0, 2.2 seperatley and break it down that way as that way you are answering what they have first outlined in the big assignment page if that makes sense. That's what I've done for all of my assignments and now I'm about to sit unit 7 on employment law! I have found that some of the online classroom materials aren't as helpful as I hoped, if you need any help feel free to email me: monika.ciez22@gmail.com I promise you will get there. I've had some really helpful tutors too who have offered to look at my essay before submitting it etc. I am quite lazy with the essay writing, it takes me about two weeks to write each one as I stop and start so much! Let me know if you need anything more, happy to help :) Monika x
  • In reply to Lucy:

    Hi Lucy,

    Firstly please don't feel disheartened about it (easier said than done) but in hindsight it was good that I failed as it actually made me look into the planning behind the essay writing a little more.

    My advice is, instead of directly answering the questions they first outline, answer the criterias instead. So what I mean by this is answer Criteria 1.1 1.2, 2.0, 2.2 seperatley and break it down that way as that way you are answering what they have first outlined in the big assignment page if that makes sense. That's what I've done for all of my assignments and now I'm about to sit unit 7 on employment law! I have found that some of the online classroom materials aren't as helpful as I hoped, if you need any help feel free to email me: monika.ciez22@gmail.com I promise you will get there. I've had some really helpful tutors too who have offered to look at my essay before submitting it etc. I am quite lazy with the essay writing, it takes me about two weeks to write each one as I stop and start so much! Let me know if you need anything more, happy to help :) Monika x
  • In reply to Erin:

    well done Erin! Sometimes it's a blessing to fail first time as it makes you actually look into things more ha! Are you sitting with ICS? I'm about to start the employment law module which is an area I have zero experience in.
  • In reply to Monika:

    Yes I'm sitting with ICS.

    I've been listening to employment law pod casts for a while now as I knew nothing!

    if you want to check it out I listen to 2
    1) Employmwnt law matters with Daniel Barnett
    2) Emlloyment law and HR podcast with Alison Colley!

     let me know how it goes! I'll be nervous for that one, but uve got a long way to go yet.... 

  • In reply to Erin:

    Hi Erin,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to me I honestly really appreciate it.
    I enrolled in this course in December and I have been putting off starting for months and allowed myself to get completely overwhelmed by the idea of it. I eventually started my assignment and when I tell you it has taken me weeks, it has taken me weeks to get to this point!

    I have failed in criteria 2.3 only now but it’s really frustrating I just wish I hadn’t started so late.

    I’ll be sure to call my tutor when I get the new brief and get into action.

    Thanks again for your response and congratulations on moving to the next stage!
  • In reply to Monika:

    Hi Monika,

    This is so helpful thanks so much for your reply. You have absolutely whizzed through I’m so impressed, congratulations!

    I recently lost my job and have been working full time in a supermarket since the epidemic and working crazy hours has meant this has really taken a back seat. Need to get myself into gear and get this done!

    Thanks for much for providing your email, you and Erin’s responses has made me feel a lot more at ease.

    Many thanks,

    Lucy x
  • I just found out I have to retake 1 question with Avado! I’m so annoyed because they will charge me like £100 for just 1 mark of a question