Early Careers - Training?

Hi Everyone

I have 20 years experience in generalist HR, did my CIPD along time ago! Got a new job and part of the strategy is to focus on early careers recruitment to address skills gap at senior levels.  I'm not a specialist in this area and need to get up to speed asap..I can do all the research in the world but was wondering whether anyone could recommend some training or resources to get an overview of various different pathways/processes (apprenticeships, internships, grads etc)?

I'm also a DEI champ so want to ensure accessibility of opportunities to a wider pool.

Thank you,


  • Hi Emily
    Am a member of CIPD and coaching someone with exactly the same questions/issues. Can you share with me what was shared with you. I don;t seem to be able to access the answers here??
    This is me www.linkedin.com/.../ and my email is jrdferris@btinternet.com