Chief People Officer - Coaching / course or training

Hello All

I have recently been promoted to Director of People and the owner of the company is keen to support my development into a CPO role.  I wonder if anyone has any recommendations for courses they have attended and found useful.  I would prefer a coaching-based leadership training course to a heavy theory/assignment-based course Slight smile

Thank you so much for your help!


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    14 Jun, 2022 06:38

    Congrats, Katie!
  • Congratulations

    Personally, I am not entirely sure what the difference is between being a CHRO/CPO and the senior HRD in an organisation? Both are responsible for all aspects of the people strategy, plus both play (should play) a huge part in the general strategic direction of the organisation.

    What do you see as the main differences.... which leads to what do you see as the gaps in your current professional knowledge, skills and experience that are / will prevent? you from fulfilling the role of HRD/CPO?

    The professional map on this site might help?

    I think there are two separate things that (depending on the gaps) might help. One is a proper professional Coach (not as part of a leadership training course) to help you transition into your new role. This assignment might last for 6-12 months maximus.

    Secondly you need to assess the gaps in your professional knowledge. These may either be in terms of HR or more widely. If more widely some of the reputable shortened "MBA" type courses might be suitable - LSE used to do a very good one. They aren't MBAs (and I am not a fan of MBAs but that's for another day) but will equip you with the skills and knowledge to contribute across a far wider range of topics which is essential for a good HRD/CPO.