About to embark on L7 and would like some help Re: Study materials

Hi all,

it has been a while since I last posted however, I always find the support that I receive from these forums to be invaluable. 

I have just enrolled with Watson Martin to undertake my level 7 and I am about to get underway with my first assignment (7HR03). When it comes to referencing there are some recommended reading materials however these books do come with a significant cost. I want to avoid my assignments becoming to CIPD centric so looking for some pointers to online journals that I could access if at all possible?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,


  • Hi Lee
    No direct experience of this kind of learning provision, but would think that all documents for essential reading should be posted specifically and separately by your tutors. CIPD Library etc Services should give you access to plenty of online journals etc. Universities etc would invariably have extensive online student access to academic journals and e-books etc that are normally behind pay walls but one disadvantage of using such as this private-sector learning provision seems to be that they probably don't - which is all the more reason for the tutors to post the material in full and for you to use CIPD Info Services to fullest extent.

    Secondhand textbooks eg via ABE can be vastly cheaper than new ones - they may not be the latest edition but be careful about crosschecking for possible updates and they should be generally adequate.

    And of course get expert at researching topics via Google etc - that can throw up all manner of relevant material! 

  • Thanks so much for your response David, I have been provided with reading materials however these are mainly CIPD fact sheets, and whilst these more than likely contain any information I would need to reference, I’m always conscious of including other resources. I will take a look at the CIPD library too, thanks again!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    31 Oct, 2022 10:55

    Lee said:

    it has been a while since I last posted however, I always find the support that I receive from these forums to be invaluable. 

    Good to know, Lee - thank you.

  • In reply to Lee:

    Sadly maybe the CIPD is the first reference point for level 7. I teach it so ought to know. Having said that text books ought to be the first point of reference but people do not go into libraries (or bookshops) as much as they should do.
    The third reference point ought to be ACAS and I would recommend the SHRM for a different perspective. After that it might be academic articles
    Every year I have to labour the point with students that at least in Emp Law CIPD and ACAS ought to have at least 2 refrences in each answer but still the less good ones do not bother!
  • Really appreciate all of your responses, thank you!
  • Hi Lee,
    Harvard Business Review has some great articles on line, other organizations including the CMI are worth considering or joining for their study material.

    Will D.
  • Hi Lee,
    Harvard Business Review has some great articles on line, other organizations including the CMI are worth considering or joining for their study material.

    Will D.